Discussion: Poll Shows Ben Carson And Donald Trump Almost Tied For First Place

Discussion for article #241080

A very very rich man with a narcissistic personality disorder and a former physician who cannot understand science, U.S. history, and economics. Republicans, you really take the prize for choosing the worst possible, most ill-prepared, least capable candidates for president of the USA.


As exciting as this is, it really is pretty dumb to take a poll with 16(?) candidates seriously.
I think once the flies start dropping and there is a more narrow field is when things start to get real.
A lot can happen in 5 months

That said, it would be great for Dems if either of them is the final nominee.



And we wonder why the rest of the world laughs at us?


The republicans have gone completely batshit crazy to even consider either of these two clowns.


Republican id and super-ego tussle between the oafish Trump and the perfectionist Carson. Both mired in the same backwards GOP ideology.


Republicans should be embarrassed to be rallying behind two such unqualified names. A party which would put such people forward has no business in power.


The question is, “Where their votes will go when they crash and burn.” There is no way the party bosses will let either of these clowns be the GOP nominee.

Carson is a science denier so they like that, but he is also a young earth creationist that won’t fly in a general election. Trump has too many enemies to win a general. His big problem, however, is that the party bosses will not be able to control him so they cannot let him win.

I’m not sure which puppet the Koch brothers and other billionaires will back now that Walker walked away.


Fantastic. Two narcissistic blowhard unelectable amateurs. Roll on, GOP. Roll on.


How’s T-Rump going to TweeTack UncaBen?

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What a bizarre ticket that would be Trump/Carson. Like an episode of The Twilight Zone.
Weirder things have happened. Then again maybe not.


Looks like the crazies are now operating full speed ahead on whatever kind of bad meth they’ve got their hands on. Is there any adults left in the Republican Party?

I don’t know how the Establishment gets Kaisch onto the ballot with Jeb ! floundering and Rubio so pathetically pandering to the Far Right…losing him any hope of attracting Independents who already have huge doubts about his capabilities.

On an aside, could you think of anything that would alienate the TeaParty’s bigoted base more than having to support the black candidate that the Evangelicals are pushing? They would run Trump as a third party candidate and never return to the GOP after he loses.


What’s notable to me is that despite being in the race for months, having plenty of money, and being a high-profile asswipe at every Christianist Republican event, Ted Cruz is still polling at a lusty 5%.

It speaks to what an odious, miserable fuck he is. His character is even more repellent than his physiognomy.


Bomb, Bomb Iran and Palin ranks up there near the top of all time disasters. Conservatives continue to leave no stone unturned looking for the nuttiest combination possible.


There are 10 candidates really in the race right now. Four of those – Cruz, Christie, Huckabee, and Paul – don’t have a snowball’s chance. Trump and Carson are very unlikely to hang in there as frontrunners, IMHO. That leaves Jeb!, Cruella, the crook from South Florida, and Kasich. I say Jeb’s still the likely nominee. I’m betting on: Jeb!-Cruella '16. Yuck.


He reminds everyone of Joe McCarthy with American Taliban connections?

Cruz has never been able to explain to patriotic Americans who saw they jobs outsourced to foreign countries why he held onto his dual citizenship even as he ran for the Senate.He looks about as shady as any lying, cheating Republican can. Even the dredges of society over on the Trump TeaParty faction don’t trust him.

Cruz is this election season’s slime ball candidate…in a season when all Republican hopefuls could hold that distinction. .


My opinion may be rare, but I’m just happy Walker is out, Cruz is dropping like a rock and Huck is unelectable. I’d put these 3 as the worst in the top 10. They’re all bad choices, but the most extreme seem to be dropping.


Trump vs. Carson = Bombast vs. Sanctimony


I think you have the right of it. None of them have the organizational and financial resources to out last the crazies except the Bush Crime Family. The Kochs bombed out horribly with their Walker experiment. Rubio is having to rely on the Evangelicals when he isn’t one.

The Republicans feel they must put a woman on the ticket to counter Hillary. But Carly will be more poisonous than Palin ever was.

You don’t brag about laying off 30,000 American workers and tell the electorate that it was for their own good. You certainly don’t do it in the anger-charged climate running up to this coming election. Now that the Far Right won’t have Obama to kick around anymore, they will be looking for a new scapegoat to pin the Bush economic failures onto and Carly fits that bill to a T.

Bill is now beginning to turn on that Old Southern Charm to circle the Democratic wagons around Hillary. I don’t doubt for a minute that he doesn’t win over Warren and Sanders. The Democratic Party is going to seem as much a sanctuary from the Conservative Virus as Pope Francis did this past week for people of real faith.

The Clintons will unite with the progressives to provide a safe haven for all the adults in this country…and the younger, underemployed folks as well Who puts their faith in conservatives who eat their own and then cheer when they have tasted the blood?


6.5% margin of error leaves Trump, Carson, Fiorina, and Rubio all possibly at around 18%.That means 3 out of four of the top scorers have no government experience and the fourth is an ambitious mediocrity with little legislative substance and a history of changing positions for perceived advantage.