Discussion: Poll: Romney Speech Had Little Impact On Trump Supporters

Discussion for article #247025

Told ya!

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Romney Speech Had Little Impact … shocking …


I’m not sure Romney or anyone could dissuade Trump supporters. Maybe if Elvis were able to come back…

@rxbusa pointed me to a great article.

The only way they’ll be able to stop Trump is for Fox and other responsible conservative news outlets to reassure and calm down the angry mobs they’ve done so much to whip into a frenzy. Somehow, though, I can’t imagine them admitting that perhaps Obama isn’t a Kenyan usurper who wants to take their guns away and force them to be gay Muslims.


Well, to be fair, his 47% speech did have quite an impact.


As much as I appreciate the insightful writing Josh has been doing about Trump’s people and how they see the world, he left unsaid the why of it: They’re ignorant featherheads. They can’t think well, and they have very little solid information to think about if they could. No rational argument would have pierced those cast-iron skulls, and Romney might as well have stood up there for 20 minutes singing “Mairzy Doats.” They’re goners, and you might as well roll them out into the hall and focus on the people in the middle who might still be savable.


Who would have thought that a speech by a person who epitomizes everything the Trump voters detest about the GOP and Washington (and a major hypocrite in the bargain) would have no negative impact on their support for Trump?


Nope. Sometimes you simply run out of cards to play.

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Nailed it with a velvet hammer, Mattin. I posted earlier that I was with a Hillary hater last night as we watched her last night on Fox. My friend said that H lies with every breath she takes. I asked for specifics, which was too much, apparently, because my friend said that it wasn’t necessary to give examples because all of Hillary’s lies have been verified by ‘everyone’. I felt like I was arguing with a Coke machine and the Coke machine was winning.


Unless he’s even dumber than I already think, I doubt that Romney’s speech was targeted at hardcore “he can shoot somebody in the street and I’ll still vote for him” Trump supporters as much as those other GOPers who haven’t made solid decisions yet.

Starting on March 15 and ending on June 7, there are 15 primaries with winner-take-all allocation, totaling 820 delegates: FL, IL, MO, OH, AZ, WI, DE, MD, PA, IN, NE, CA, MT, NJ, SD.

A candidate does not have to get a majority of the votes to get all the delegates in these contests. For example, If Trump gets only 29% of the primary vote in California, but that is better than anybody else, he would get all of CA’s 172 votes. NY and CT have winner-take-most allocation, in which delegates are allocated based on proportion of votes received, unless a candidate gets more than 50% of the votes, in which case the candidate gets all the delegates. If the GOP “establishment” wants to stop Trump, it cannot let him win many of these winner-take-all contests, especially those in CA, PA, and FL.

I believe the situation is more unpredictable than many think because Trump is so unlike all other normal candidates—he is constantly saying things that are purposely incendiary. The conventional wisdom is that Trump has been unhurt by his statements, but I think that’s completely misreading the meaning of his poll numbers, which indicate that his unfavorables are at historic levels, compared to past election years in both parties. For some reason, the pundits seem unable to connect his high unfavorables with his verbal bombast. It’s already evident that Trump’s crude comments about the size of his dick, for example, have really turned off plenty of GOPers, and Cruz has demonstrated in the last several contests that he might be taking advantage of that.


Well, if by winning you mean the Coke machine remained unpersuaded it’s a defeat that doesn’t have much dishonor in it. I see in my old age that if you want to have a rational discussion and get somewhere in the end you need to talk to a person who’s got a good enough brain, a well-trained-enough mind, enough information to work with, and above all who’s capable of being objective on the relevant subject. Your friend isn’t capable of being objective about Hillary, no matter how the other factors go, so that’s it.


Great analogy, but I think Mountain Dew captures the unhinged Clinton Derangement Syndrome demographic better. That, or Brawndo.

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Mitt has no impact on anything.

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Most folks here would agree the conventional wisdom is reliably simplistic. I think your model is a good one—to me Trump’s sadly limited understanding of the game he’s playing makes it like a new and insidious form of roulette, where a self-deluding narcissist can see how much he’s winning and keeps doubling down, letting the winnings ride, but fails to see he’s simultaneously losing even more. Quick story—the night of the 25th, long before L’Affaire Guaranteed No Problem, I was out at a presentation and was talking to a country-club Republican lady type who nearly begged me to tell her I wasn’t a Trump supporter. She thinks the whole phenomenon is just appalling. And if she’s in any way typical he’s got a problem. We knew that, but hearing it from the field sure does make it realer.


Still, it really is shocking how base, venal, and unthinking so many Americans are.

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Of course not. Donald said it, they believe it, that settles it.

I just say Coke machine because I have one propped up outside on cinder blocks, over by the bass boat that I’m fixin to get runnin this year or next. There are no Cokes in it anymore, never were, but if I can get it fixed I’m going to use it to keep bait fresh and handy

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…hey, I like Mountain Dew. What are you saying? :frowning:

Romney: This is going as I planned. After they nominate me in brokered convention, I can ask for Trump’s endorsement as no one remembers who I am or what I said.

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