Discussion: Poll: Percentage Of Young Americans Who Say They'll Vote In 2014 Drops

Discussion for article #222143

This fucking apathy drives me nuts! The ‘yutes’ get screwed but they do nothing about it.


It is up to the parents to encourage their youth to vote. My husband and I started voting when we were young and have never missed a vote yet. If young people don’t vote than they should understand that what they complain about will definitely happen and nobody will be to blame except themselves. I mean if the people in Afghanistan braves bombs to vote you would think that people here in the US would appreciate the price that Americans have paid for them to have the right to vote. I am ashamed of anyone republican or democrat who don’t vote.


“It’s been clear for some time now that young people are growing more disillusioned and disconnected from Washington…There’s an erosion of trust in the individuals and institutions that make government work”

GOP/Teatrolls: Mission Fucking Accomplished.

BTW, this new comment system is poop.


A big part of the GOP’s obstructionist agenda is the frustration/disillusionment/surrender/apathy process.


Next up: GOP/Teatrolls claim the results are because the ACA “screwed” healthy young people.


OH yeah, most young people have the next two year’s worth of activities carefully planned. I know I did at 18.

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Strange how older, White, blue collar people don’t seem to succumb to that process.


One of the reasons I was so ripsht at Russell Brand for that bit of nonsense he passed on in his interview last year (?) is that he validated the idea that the world is generally fcked up but the voting process/government is useless and doesn’t get anything accomplished so just go onto social media and complain incessantly about everything being generally f*cked up. THAT’S considered to be a better alternative to actually working to make government work.

I mean, when you’ve got kickstarter, problem’s solved!


Why is there no link to the poll?

Maybe a message will appear on their smartphones which they stare at all day and night telling them to vote and why (though it appears that the pictured young woman is involved in some sort of GOTV project.)


Younger people haven’t learned the pragmatism that makes “we suck less then them” a real motivator.


It is becoming more and more difficult to convince the youth that a vote matters. When you have the Koch organizations buying influence, corporate lobbyists controlling the legislation and the regulation, and rampant corruption among our selected (rather than elected) representatives, it’s hard to believe your voice will ever be heard.


That’s a great attitude. "I’m disillusioned and pissed off, so I’m gonna do ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOTHING ABOUT IT and reward my oppressors.

That’s a great strategery for life, young invincibles. Good luck with that.

There is a solution: Put wacky tobacky on the ballot, along with other ballot initiatives that cater to them.


I suggest that we start referring to November’s election as “American Idol”. They’ll certainly take the time to vote then.


It doesn’t help that Democrats don’t give anyone any reason to vote for them. Any time they win a mandate at the ballot box, they simply piss it away; they don’t even pretend.
Why waste a vote on a Democrat when you know in advance that they aren’t even going to try. At least Republicans pay lip service to those who vote for them. Democrats, once elected, only run away from their supporters.


That’s some high quality concern troll jujitsu, there, bub. Most impressive.

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That is bullshit. Out and out bullshit. The Dems are not perfect but they HAVE been trying. They cannot succeed when they have a 100% obstructionist congress. Nothing has happened in Congress because the GOP won’t allow it. The GOP isn’t just an opposition party, they’re obstructionist in the extreme.

People like you make me so fucking mad. OK - you’re so knowledgeable about the political process, what do you recommend the Dems do EXACTLY? Bring machine guns and wipe out the GOP?? You say the Dems haven’t even tried. Really? You haven’t read any blogs to see what legislation Dems have been trying to get passed.

On the one hand, you say the Dems won’t even try to do something for their base. On the other hand, you say the GOP will at least give “lip service” to their base and that’s why the GOP wins. Please send Harry Reid an e-mail saying to start giving lip service to the Dems base and that it’ll be a sure fire winner.


Same with the poor, with minorities, with pretty much every demographic group that is perpetually screwed by GOP policies.

Well, “back then” us “older, White, blue collar people” felt a sense of security with a real path to a better life than our parents. The American Dream was alive and thriving “back then” for most Americans. Sure, today kids would rather bitch about it on-line but look at what they see; both their college educated parents having to work just to get by in careers that barely pay enough to support a family (with the threat of being unemployed at any moment), a political environment where no one with the means goes to jail, massive student debt, Imperial America bombing half a dozen countries at the same time, and the big lie about American exceptionalism best-country-on-earth blah blah blah. They’re far from stupid or lazy, they simply size up the current situation and say ‘bullshit’. And NO, it wasn’t always like this. It’s far worse now.

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