Discussion: Poll: Nearly Two-Thirds Of Likely GOP Voters Back Trump’s Muslim Ban

Yeah - Trump on his own isn’t that scary; Trump with about 35-40% of the population foaming at the mouth for fascism is scary. It’s the American rightwing that is finally scaring me silly. The GOP has manufactured this entire situation by pandering to people’s absolute worst characteristics - ignorance, greed, fear, resentment, anger, exclusion. And they got the inevitable result - about a third of the country is ready to take it over by force if necessary, and dispose of all of us. And they have the arsenal to try.


It wont die. Exact opposite is more likely to happen: It will become more mainstream than it is right now. Its hard to change thinking of a good percentage of people who feel this is what they care most about.

As we all know, this is nothing more than what conservatives have been preaching for a while. The only surprise (to me) in all this that the overt racist southern states willingly took down confederate flag. However, I wouldnt be surprised to see confederate flag as the main issue, at least in state/local elections where racism is implicitly acceptable.


“Otherwise the Feds aren’t “protecting religion”, they are only doing special favors”

The problem is that I think the right-wingers would be entirely comfortable with this. You assume they are actually concerned with protecting general principles. I think the attitude is much more simplistically self-interested than that: Christianity good and should always be favored, Islam bad and should be erased.


Ah, I luvs me the smell of some Zyklon-B in the morning!!

Two-thirds of Republicans support ban on Muslims? Unfortunately with characters like Limbaugh, networks like Fox and now demagogues like Trump, stupidity is infectious these days. This is a rerun of the crazy years after 9/11 that got us absolutely nowhere.

Even if Trump does not become president, he is already damaging our country and is capable of doing more. Whether it’s journalists, media owners, sane Republicans (yeah, there are some left) or the rest of the country who do it, he needs to be pushed out of the race — the sooner the better.

A presidential campaign in the United States is no place for amateurs or ignorant reality TV stars.


Conservatism is a disease.

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Sadly, I believe them to be “moderate” Republicans who vote for the Republican, no matter how personally repugnant and repulsive his views, because the alternative is voting for the Democrat.

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But we were assured that these comments didn’t represent the views of the party! How could this possibly be?!?

Hey, Republicans, you built this.


I am so disappointed in my fellow Americans. Whatever happened to “Home of the Brave”?

The metaphor for what you describe is wordsmith Michael Steele who got away with five minutes of lying on Chris Hayes’ show, dealing with the so-called “moderate Republicans’” enabling of the verbal carnage upon us today (Steele denied it, often by making run-over sentences cutting off his fellow panelist Sam Seder).

Although Steele is a paid GOP/MSNBC professional shill, the line of thinking is there for John and Jill Republican

Moreover, older people (who are naturally more Reactionary) VOTE. It’s a habit.

Same here, no probably necessary.

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And the other 1/3 are liars

So Ryan claims that the Republicans are not of the same ilk as Trump … “oh but they are, Blanche, they are.”

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Why would anybody expect bad people to stop supporting a bad man who offers another bad idea? This is why they are bad people. The “they” being the bulk of the GOP base. The only thing to cheer the soul as that most of these people are old and in dying parts of the country.


I was similarly disillusioned to discover John Wayne didn’t personally win WWII. And don’t listen to Lana Turner, she’ll get you killed.


Read up some history, American’s have always done and approved of some some shitty things. The good news is not all of us still think this way and we’re slowly evolving away from this shit.

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If this survey is accurate, he’s made all of the other candidates and most of the GOP bigwigs spend the entire week before the debate going on record angrily denouncing something that 2/3 of their primary voters are in favor of.


shows how lazy, burned out and uninformed the voting public is with 11 months to go to the general election.

omigod, you heard that rumor about HRC too? I’m pretty sure it was on Breitbart.


tena: it’s 35% of gop voters not 35% of the population. it’s more like 15-18% of the population. still quite scary.