Discussion: Poll: Most Say Time To End Effort To Repeal Obama Health Law

Are those cardboard cutouts of the other Senators behind McConnell? They are always in the same position with the same (dour) expression on their faces. Just sayin’.

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Run the numbers again, but only poll people who intend to vote in upcoming republican primaries. And then you will see the reason why republicans are so drawn to picking up this rattlesnake by the tail again. The Congressional GOP is largely being driven by their extreme right, and while those seats are among the safest seats in Congress from a party perspective, individually, they are all at risk of being primaried. And they would rather lose their majorities than lose their individual seats.


No need to pay attention to the voters. It’s not like you are in a democracy, guys.


McConnell: People have spoken. We support ObamaCare. Trump needs to pay attention to people and not listen to the riff raffs of society.

If just to stop the humiliation

If only Congress would LISTEN to the MAJORITY regarding the Affordable Care Act, they would just fix the portion that needs to be fixed.

Get over it, GOPers, ACA IS HERE TO STAY!

Trump to Congress:
“If you fail to get “repeal and replace” passed, I’ll have all of YOU replaced!”

Trump to American people:
“If you fail to support my efforts to repeal ObamaCare, I’ll have you replaced as well!”

Cardboard cutouts would have greater integrity, and better though-out policy positions, than those jokers.

McConnell has said he’s moving onto other matters unless “people can show me 50 votes for anything that would make progress.”

That’s “50 votes ignoring entirely the 48 Dem Senators,” right? Surely, between the Dems and moderate Repubs, there are 50 votes for something that would move towards fixing health care. It becomes harder for him if he tries to cobble 50 votes from just the Repubs.

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