Discussion: Poll: Most Americans Say People Are Better Off Under Obamacare

Discussion for article #225499

That 44% that said Obamacare hasn’t helped anyone are the problem in this country today. They’ve got theirs and are either indifferent or hostile to those who don’t. I work with a conservative Republican who pretty much hates government, libruls and taxes, but doesn’t hesitate to tell me about all the entitlements she accesses on a daily basis for her daughter who has a learning disability. There is a big disconnect in a lot of peoples’ brains that causes them to act and think in a blindly self-interested manner. Shorter version: you can’t fix stupid.


About time someone looked for the “Obamacare doesn’t go far enough” responses in the “Disapprove” side.


Shh … Don;t tell FOX abut this poll. Heads will explode.

And that always leaves such a mess.


I wouldn’t call this stupid so much as selfish. Selfish people with the ‘I got mine’ attitude are frequently (unfortunately) not stupid.


Except that ALL insurance plans are better now. Never has so much benefit been smuggled into people’s lives without them even having a clue.


According to 44 percent of respondents, Obamacare had not helped anyone.

Riiiiiight…Insurance premiums have stabilized over the last couple of years, you can’t be denied health coverage due to pre-existing conditions, more standard care for women and children…All this and more, brought to you by…



I certainly hope you mention that whenever she brings it up. You know, in a helpful “you should be more self reliant” way that the GOTP addresses the rest of the US.


Your logic can actually apply to both sides of the argument. Many people who support the acting of taking from one group in order to fund the government to pay for the benefits of others, yet they don’t volunteer, via charitable donations, to support non-governmental organizations that provide for the very same people.

Just look at the entertainment industry, elected officials, sports stars, business CEOs, etc… who support increasing taxes on the “wealthy” yet don’t see any hypocrisy in using every loophole to avoid paying more taxes and give very little of the incredible wealth to organizations who are helping the very people who they claim need assistance.

So there is hypocrisy on both sides and not just on the conservative side of the debate.

Wouldn’t that create janitorial jobs?

I think it’s less accurate to call them “stupid” (though that may also be true) and more accurate to call them “liars.” As in, no matter what this president does, it ain’t good enough or it’s just plain bad.


I disagree—selfishness is an expression of monumental stupidity, which is not always related to intelligence level.


“But 17 percent said they disapproved because the law is not liberal enough.”

Did CNN used the word liberal or TPM? What a catchphrase for single payer utilized by the rest of the civilized world.

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Chock-full of morons.

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The more positive and correct way to view the results is:
–that 57% (40+17) are in favor of government involvement in health insurance; and
–that, at most, 42% (59-17) are opposed, or at least are opposed if it’s called Obamacare.


No brains. No mess.

THANK YOU!! That’s a point I’ve been trying to make with all these Obama/Obamacare haters for four years! A lot of people are unhappy because there’s no public option or because it’s not single payer. No one ever seems to mention that.

Liberal media, my a$$.




I would like to agree with you. In the sense that selfish people are typically short-sighted, and fail to see the long term implications of their actions, I do agree with you.

But selfish people can be very clever in achieving their short-term goals. They can often think quite effectively in achieving their goals. The Republicans, for one example, are quite clever in their strategies for obstructing Obamacare. We dismiss them as ‘stupid’ at our peril.

Nah. If CNN could spin this poll as TERRIBLE NEWS!!! FOR OBAMA!!! (and oh, they so did), just think what Fox can do, freed as they are from the surly bonds of objective reality.

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