Discussion for article #232233
Ann Romney screeched that the poll was biased because only THOSE PEOPLE were asked questions.
America WILL EmbraCE theM aS HEROEs and SAVIORS of AN AMerica DEstrOYED by libtards ONE theY start OPENIng their MOUths.
[quote] Americans have a worse view of former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush ® and
former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney ®, than they did in 2014. [/quote] Missed it by that much.
They should have run for President last year - in 2014 - when Rethuglicans were more popular. it’s only gonna go downhill from here for these two.
MIracle WHIP is NOT MAYO libTARD. MIracLE WHIP is TecHNICALLY a SALAD dreSSING. YOU are COMParing APPLES and ORANGEs!!11!!one!1!!
2014 was the perfect year for Republicans to run for president. 2018 will be even better, I have no doubt.
When asked if former Gov. Willard “Mitt” Romney (R-MONEY) and former Gov. John Ellis “Jeb” Bush (R-OLD MONEY) were less popular than dirt, 47% of respondents Strongly Agreed while another 8% Agreed.
Otherwise known in conservative circles as “proof that Gawd wants them to run!”
I still think that Jeb Bush should not run for POTUS, and instead focus on helping his son run for higher office someday when the Bush name is not so negative. That is just my thoughts anyway. Jeb Bush is not exciting and is basically a version of his brother and dad rolled into one.
Actually, this one isn’t parody trolling. It’s totally true. You should either compare Mitt and Bush to Hellman’s and Kraft’s mayonnaise or you should compare them to Miracle Whip and to some other sickly-sweet foul-tasting mayonnaise-like synthetic emulsifier based substance–there’s bound to be at least some regional brand product that meets that description.
Unless the point is that one is bland mass-produced mayonnaise and the other is a phony foul tasting mass-produced ersatz mayonnaise substitute. And given that I believe both of them are analogous to phony foul-tasting mass-produced ersatz mayonnaise substitutes, I, too, believe it is an inapt comparison.
Holy crap! Somebody needed to do this comparison ages ago rather than demonizing it as the archetypical inapt comparison. I genuinely had no idea how seriously oranges kick apples’ asses nutritionally.
If the poll results mean that Jeb or Mittens get fewer votes, that’s not an insurmountable issue … Republican Congressional candidates got fewer votes than Democrats, but they still took both houses lol.
And that’s their problem. They are not sufficiently wingnut to stir up and excite the base – although they would govern as far-right ideologues if elected.
The Republican base is looking for a street fighting brawler, but the establishment is wary of Ted Cruz types.
Yeah, it’s obvious that the forces behind the refusal to permit apples to be compared to oranges are apples.
Just had a nightmare that this was a movie about the aughts. Willard played W and Jebbie played Dick. I think it was called Intended Consequences.