Discussion: Poll: Mike Huckabee Just Barely Leads Jeb And Scott Walker In Iowa

Discussion for article #233301

What’s the matter with Iowa?

Next, he’ll win the straw poll and be a shoo-in as the candidate for the GOP. Just like Michele Bachmann.

Wait. What?


I hope Huckabee is super excited about this. He needs to relish the moment because this is all he’s going to get. The normal population will not appreciate Huckabee.


Huck is going to have to blow his dog whistle harder. Maybe he should come out in favor of deporting all Muslims back to Muslimland or something.

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the fact that huckabee leads anything other than a hog look-alike contest does not speak well for iowans.

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MIke’s grifting of Iowa is building momentum.

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Poll: Mike Huckabee Just Barely Leads Jeb and Scott Walker in Iowa Poll Asking the Question: Who is a Bigger Bigot??


Uh-oh. Walker’s extreme far-right budget hasn’t yet passed in Wisconsin. Looks like he’ll now need to amend it make it ever more appealing to Republicans in Iowa.

(Clearly the budget for the state of Wisconsin should be drafted with a clear focus on the needs of Republicans in Iowa and billionaires in California. This is how fiscal responsibility and conservatism is supposed to operate in the 21st-century, right?)


The next time that a pundit or prognosticator tries to argue that Republicans have a ‘bumper crop’ of qualified candidates or a ‘deep bench’ of ‘rising stars,’ just remember that Mike Huckabee, Jeb Bush, and Scott Walker are the best the party has to offer at this point.

I believe this is what the Bush White House referred to as the ‘soft bigotry of low expectations.’


Past Iowa Straw Poll ‘Winners’ (snicker):

1999 George W. Bush (way to go, Iowa)
2007 Mike Huckabee (a lot of good that did him!)
2008 Rick Santorum (Iowa rolled off the park bench on that one)

The Iowa primary is a joke preying on the right wing for the entertainment of liberals.

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Remember this is the home of Steve King… and Joni Ernst. And that this is specifically the Republican primary, self-selected nut cases as rational once-Republicans have mostly weeded themselves out. But the state is definitely near the edge over which KS and others have already slipped.


That’s good news for Jeb Bush because Iowa is must-win for Walker.

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Pardon my crudeness (but would you still love me if I was any other way?), but my asshole has a better chance of becoming President than Mike Huckabee.

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“”"“The margin of error was plus or minus 5.5 percentage points.”""" Really?

This might be my favorite headline of the day. Huckmentum!


Long winters, wife-swapping, cheap drugs, shrinking rural populations due to the decline of family farming, and the resulting problems (Postville Raid, Maharishi University, etc.). I suppose people want to “escape the diversity” and any associated threats, and will go to great lengths to find that “happy place” again.

GAWDS, this circus AGAIN. I can’t stand Republicans. WHO F’G CARES.

The poll says little more than “there aren’t any detectable surprises at this point”

The poll is a year out from the caucus
The poll has a fat margin of error
The poll is of registered voters, and fewer than 10% of them are likely to participate in the caucus

As long as its 35 years or older, a native-born US citizen and lived in this country for 14 years or more, you’d get my vote!