Discussion: Poll: Majority Of Voters Think Trump Has Committed Crimes


“The world is laughing at us,” he would say on the campaign trail, referring to the policies of then-President Barack Obama.

“We don’t want other leaders and other countries laughing at us anymore,’ Trump said last June “And they won’t be. They won’t be.”

Must watch video:



That includes one third of Republicans.

And yet…

OT but Stone in jail yet?


“Majority of Voters Thinks Trump Has Committed Crimes”.


(Get a friggin’ copy editor, Josh)


This is the game changer we’ve been looking for. Not the poll per se, but the political environment which shaped some of the impressions found in this poll.

You’ve got a lot of WWC believing Cohen. It’s in the upper 30s. The Dems have changed the game and have taken Trump’s ‘no collusion’ microphone toy away. This is about investigating a criminal enterprise for all of its criminal behavior in an environment in which 64% of Americans believe Trump committed crimes before he took office, and it’s basically even on whether he committed crimes while in office. Russia matters are not necessary, sufficient or even required to impeach Trump (but make no mistake, there’s a lot of Russia stuff in what Cohen provided and in what Schiff, Nadler and Cummings are investigating).

We’re in the Watergate zone now. Mueller/SDNY have a lot of insurance and room to work. There will be a flood of indictments from Mueller/SDNY and a flood of revelations and criminal referrals from the House of Representatives.


So do the majority of his family members, friends, colleagues, business associates, subcontractors and GOP Congress-people. They are merely too cowed by fear, NDAs, and conspiratorial guilt to admit it for now.


Current Occupant should be looking over both shoulders as of right now…


This just in to our newsroom: Most Americans think the world is round!


Simultaneously, I hope.


And Gym Jordan says he doesn’t think Trump has even told a lie.

When Jordan turns, that will be the end of the game (or wrestling match).


Makes me a little sad that his approval number is higher than the belief he is not a criminal. So a group of people approve a criminal.


I would be interested in the base line from prior Q-Polls (I’ll see if I can look it up) but the results are what I would have expected. (1) Cohen - with coverage which reached some folks who had tuned out the “russia stuff” - moved the needle with the 15% of the US that somewhat approves of Trump, but not entirely is comfortable with him, and (2) further investigations are popular, but (3) people don’t want a half cocked impeachment at this time.

P.s. what the poll shows is that 35% want to open impeachment proceedings now, 24% want to investigate more before going there, and 35% don’t even want to investigate Cohen’s charges. This is again the difference between his hard core base (28% “strong approval”) and his 38% approval in this poll.

P.s. I found the prior releases, and while Trump’s approval stayed the same (it was 38% in the Jan 15 Q-poll), his “honesty” " “Q: Would you say that Trump is honest, or not?” fell to 30% with 65% saying No. on Jan 15 it was 34% honest, 61% dishonest. Trump has never gotten that low of an honesty ranking (he has bounced arround between 32 and 38% before) and the 65% saying Trump is dishonest is the highest ever (prior high was 63%, and it has been arround 60% most of the time). https://poll.qu.edu/national/release-detail?ReleaseID=2603

This suggests to me that the Cohen hearings really raised some doubts about Trump’s character and honesty in people who had formerally seen it all as just noise. This is why further hearings, further focus is really key. Democrats can’t assume everyone knows who Trump is, there are still lots of people to convince with evidence and hearings.


“Majority” can take plural or singular verbs, depending on how it’s used.

In this case, since the majority isn’t acting as one unit, it should take a plural verb.

Which means the original headline was correct.


A majority of voters think Trump has committed crimes, the rest are sure of it.

No trust. Sad!


So a majority of voters think Trump has committed crimes, but a majority also feel he shouldn’t be impeached? What fresh he’ll is this? In other words, they’re okay with a criminal in the White House?


Those numbers are even higher than Trump’s disapproval rating in the poll. Fully 55 percent of voters disapprove of Trump’s job performance while only 38 percent approve, according to the poll. That’s virtually unchanged since Quinnipiac’s last survey in late January.

I thought that NBC News poll released the other day was highly suspicious. There just hasn’t been any good news to send his numbers up and NBC’s polls have consistently shown his support higher than other reputable polls. I believe they over-sampled Republicans by something like 3% last year and under-sampled Dems.

These numbers are bleak for the president — but don’t spell total doom. A strong majority of voters in the poll also say Congress shouldn’t begin impeachment proceedings against Trump: 59 percent say it shouldn’t, to 35 percent who say it should.

This why I’m really glad Democratic leadership is following the course they are on. Do the investigations, make the case, and then prosecute. It’s needs to be in that order. The American people want his crimes proven first before they’re going to sign onto impeachment. Frankly, that’s the way it should be. Once the full body of evidence is laid out for all to see and scrutinize, that’s when you’ll see the tide turn toward impeachment.


So 33 percent of Republicans believe he committed crimes. The same poll says 82 percent of Republicans “approve of the way Donald Trump is handling his job as president.” Therefore between 15 and 33 percent of Republicans really don’t care if the president of the United States is an actual criminal.


As bad as they already are, these numbers will only get worse as the House investigations commence. They’ve really yet to even begin! And as those impeachment numbers turn, watch out.


voters believe Michael Cohen over Trump by a 15-point margin

That is convicted perjurer Michael Cohen. ROFLMAO.


As Trump quit on repealing NAFTA, various of his trade wars, whatever it was he was trying to achieve with Kim, and the shutdown, there is a non-trivial possibility (though I can’t yet put it at 50%) that Trump resigns and leaves the GOP in the lurch while he negotiates a deal to limit liability and potential criminal exposure. He quits on businesses, debt, and marriages. Why would he not quit on the Presidency under the right circumstances?