Discussion: Poll: GOP Voters Oppose Gov't Shutdown To Stop Obama On Immigration

Discussion for article #230557

Another way to read this poll: All establishment candidates are against a shutdown and they divide the 47% opposed to a shutdown among them. Ted Cruz stands out as the only contender advocating for a shutdown, claiming the whole 44% in favor of it. In a multi-candidate presidential primary I’d say that’s good politics.

THeY sHOULD sHUT AMericA doWN for THIS outraGE. JUSt A buNCH of BRowNS that WaNT ALL the FREE stUFF the AmericA GIVes AWAY. WeLCOme to the WELfare stATE of OHbummers America!!!1!!!one!!1!!!

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Obummers ‘Utopiary’… !!juan11!


if they don’t like/want shutdowns, why re-elect them

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Since when does the GOTP listen to anyone?

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Does anyone think this will stop the nutbags?

!!juan11!, is awesome.

Officially stealing that when I parody the parodymeister.

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Ted Cruz does not care what the voters think. If can grab some headlines,and make some money he is going give it shot.

Did you just describe Ted Cruz as a contender?

He is, absolutely. He has no chance in hell in the general election, but in the republican primary he has a clear path. Crazy wins.

So of course there is a poll regarding whether “President Barack Obama should act unilaterally to reshape the immigration system”. Bet they were not any when Bush acted unilaterally. Gee, wonder what’s different with this president that makes pollster take a poll such as this? What could it be, pollsters? (And who says pollsters don’t drive narratives?)

well, that will screw bonehead up bigtime. He always says it’s what the American people want and where are the jobs speech. la la la
Good luck asshats.

But do not forget the media loves Cruz so they will prop him up big-time in a general election. The false equivalencies will reach a new low.

And I stole from someone else… :wink:

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I guess my main question is this. Will a government shutdown impede the House from getting to the truth about Benghazi? Poor kids starving and veterans not getting their benefits is fine, but We The People really deserve a ninth comprehensive look at the Obama administration’s Meet The Press strategy from 2012.

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The polls were ALL wrong before the recent elections. Why should anyone believe a poll now? Explain that and get back to me.

Guys, - this poll doesn’t carry much weight considering we just went through an election (midterm, granted) and the people who DON’T favor these actions didn’t show up to make their ideas known.

Therefore, the GOP believes it has free reign to do what it wants with impunity. THEIR base (not necessarily, Americans) will always turn out to vote.

Absolutely. If the poll asked whether President Obama should issue an executive order to update his administration’s policy on immigration, just as Presidents Reagan and Bush did, would the answer be any different?