Discussion for article #228853
If they don’t win the Senate it will be seen as one of the biggest political failures so far in the 21st century. Their hopes of gaining seats in 2016 in nil. Dems will have their majority back up to 55+ seats due to all the Republicans in purple states up for re-election and hopefully they will lose the House too.
“We hate Republicans. That’s why we keep voting for them.”
Hashtag WTF_America?
[quote] President Barack Obama’s approval rating is underwater, with 42 percent approving and 52 percent disapproving of the job he’s doing as president. [/quote] Still higher than Bush’s 25% “approval” rating. Why is there no mention of this fact?
The Republican’s shrinking “advantage” is directly related to their shrinking “brains” and decaying 'youth".
Among registered voters, 43 percent said their vote would not be a signal about Obama. Among the rest, 24 percent said their vote would be about expressing support for him while 32 said it would be about expressing opposition to him.
I’m sure I’m going out on a limb here, but it seems that the 32% planning to express opposition through their vote shows the grain of salt that we should keep in mind when hearing about how underwater Obama’s approval ratings are.
There seem to be a lot of people that were expecting magic pixie dust or something and can’t wrap their heads around why having an entire political party actively trying to thwart his every move might hinder his achievements. I’m sure those folks make up at least some part of the 52% disapproval rating. In fact I’d wager they make up around 1/3 of the disapproval.
If these folks disapprove from the left then the GOP can’t really count on them for support, at most they might be able to count on them to stay home. This of course is why the “both sides are the same and equally to blame” crap must be fought so hard.
Excellent post. Let me just add that in any statewide or national election, the Republican always starts out with at least 30-35% of the vote. The candidate could literally be caught on tape beating a baby with one hand and choking a puppy with the other and 30-35% of GOP voters would still support them. That same 30-35% would would oppose a Democratic president if unemployment were at 1%, the Dow was above 30,000, he ended Middle East terrorism and brokered a peace deal between Palestinians and Israelis, and if the economy were growing 10% every quarter.
Today’s Rasmussen daily tracking poll has Obama at 49% approval. Perhaps Sahill can amend his post to note this when he talks about how underwater Obama’s numbers are. On the other hand, I think it’s a mistake to assume that only those who say their Congressional vote will be influenced by their opposition to Obama, to mean that everyone else is pro- Obama. Many of those who say their Congressional vote will not be influenced by their Obama views still hate Obama.
There is no fucking way a majority of people prefer a republican congress unless they are fucking comatose. We have a republican controlled house of representatives and a senate full of senators willing to filibuster to stop the president right now and shit isn’ getting done. So tell me how can this be???
According to one recent poll, 60% (I think) of Americans have no idea which party controls the House or Senate. We can either rail against “stupid” Americans or we can rail (my preference) against Obama for not going after the Republican Congress, rather than just Congress, over the last six years.
Rasmussen uses a likely voter screen with a built in thumb on the scale for the GOP. The Gallup poll that has him deep under water is a poll of everyone, including people who aren’t registered to vote. Kind of an important omission of fact when you’re claiming his supposed unpopularity is dragging down Democrats in the coming election.