Trump: Fake Media with Fake Poll! Americans support Affordable Care Act (ACA) and are confusing it with ObamaCare.
Well, of course they do, now that it’s been explained to them through the horrid repealing process what exactly is involved with the ACA.
If anything, the AHCA will go down in history as the ultimate explainer of the benefits of ACA. Now that even the biggest dummies understand it, the approval and support for it will certainly increase.
Almost makes me hope they fuck with it again … right before 2018 elections –
Nothing like threatening to take something that you take for granted away to make you appreciate what you got.
Thanks Tryanump!
Yes, we do. We care about the deplorables amongst us, even if they still think ObamaCare and the ACA are two entirely different things…
Red State Trump Supporters: Thanks Obama.
If this Russian thing tells (most) people anything, I hope it is that there are those who spin bullshit intentionally with a specific goal in mind…and it ain’t for your well being.
Then, I hope they connect which party embraced, and continues to embrace, bullshit to that end.
Don’t it always seem to go
That you don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone
They paved paradise
Put up a parking lot
Joni Mitchell, Big Yellow Taxi
But Trump and Rand Paul went golfing.
Don’t it always seem to go, you don’t know what you’ve got 'till it’s gone…
Edit: Oops, @radicalcentrist beat me to it!
Obamacare poll numbers way up and Trump poll numbers way down.
Which means Republicans will back Trump to the hilt as he tries to destroy it.
Ha ha …
Absolutely doesn’t mean they won’t try …though –
No to Obamacare!!!
But keep my ACA!!!
Why, oh why, don’t we have a basic intelligence test before allowing people to vote…
It’s amazing how you can stick “Zombie-” on the front of any of Hair Furor so-called initiatives, and it fits perfectly…
Because it would dis-enfranchise the entire GOP voting base…
Hey, wait a minute, maybe you’re on to something there…
I understand the outcry but you know, we used to have tests before we allowed certain people to vote in the south so whenever I see something like that my blood runs cold.
Cause we’re supposed to be stuck on winning …
Because whenever anything like that has been implemented asshole conservatives have used it to disenfranchise minorities and other vulnerable populations? And because governmental legitimacy can only be derived from the consent of the people as measured in free and fair elections, which is true even when the people are idiots?