Discussion: Poll Finds GOPer Ernst With Widened Lead Over Dem Braley

Discussion for article #228871

Jesus. There are simply no words.


Suffolk is the same pollster that pulled out of VA,NC and FLA a month before the 2012 election because they concluded that Romney had already won those 3 states.


The prospect of a “western swinging door” of nutcases in Congress is sickening. Bachmann leaves the House, Ernst enters the Senate? It’s a world gone mad!!

P.S. Is that a broom on Ernst’s head??

the Demowimps can’t even win this one wow. i guess this saying is true even chuck todd knows it. As a GOPer member of Congress explained some years ago, bipartisanship consists of the Democrats doing what the GOP tells them to do.

Ha Ha…Quinnapac. Thanks for the money Koch brothers.

Romney Landslide. Just sayin’.

Exactly what I was just thinking. I was looking forward to seeing the last of Bachmann’s craziness, and now it looks like it’s just going to be replaced with that of Ernst. And in the Senate, where it can do a whole lot more damage.

Can anyone really tell me what the STUPID PARTY Reps have done, except attack Pres Obama in many different ways with lies. Why would you vote for someone in a Gov’t job, who hates Gov’t.

Reps voters and right-leaning Indeps are the low-info voter.

Tom Harkin’s seat could go to an insane idiot - Braley is and inept campaigner, the Martha Coakley of Iowa.

Right, but the Q poll had him down by six points just two weeks ago. So isn’t that a shrinking lead for Joni “Jazz Hands” Ernst?

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How do these tools of the kleptocracy keep getting such a big percentage of the vote? I get that half the populace is under the median in intelligence, but isn’t the corruption of the right-wing so obvious even they should see it?


It is her dog, they are inseparable. Everything about her is as phony as that wig.

If she wins, Iowans who opposed her, were registered and did not vote will get the Palin-lite, Kochsucking NRA-puppet they deserve.

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