Discussion: Poll: Dem Leads In Tennessee Senate Race

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O sweet!


We need this one and Nevada.


I’m not going to blow any single good (or bad) poll result out of proportion, but every good result is welcome.


I need Beto to win in Texas.


Fingers crossed…


It is gonna be f’n close, and turn on GOTV, but Blackburn is a frigg’n combined bag of nuts and rocks. Tennessee likes its republicans really conservative, but also able to attract business. Marsha, Marsha is some kind of crazy that does not go over well in Nashville and other “new south” parts of the state.

The the Koch Bros are already running ads against Bredesen, who is quite popular, and that the ads are based upon lies, see https://www.washingtonpost.com/video/politics/did-bredesen-raise-gas-and-sales-taxes-in-tennessee--fact-checker/2018/09/06/8fc4428e-b149-11e8-8b53-50116768e499_video.html?utm_term=.1e92635bdcf6 says all you need to know about this race.

Bredesen will win if he gets the necessary $$$$ and does not make any mistakes.

p.s. the cross tabs show Marsha Marsha’s problem:

"Among likely voters in this Tennessee contest, Bredesen leads among Democrats (97 percent to 0 percent), African Americans (86 percent to 8 percent), women (55 percent to 40 percent) and independents (49 percent to 45 percent), while Blackburn leads among Republicans (86 percent to 9 percent), men (54 percent to 40 percent) and whites (53 percent to 42 percent)."https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/first-read/nbc-marist-poll-it-s-neck-neck-senate-race-tennessee-n907221

Marsha, Marsha is not getting the support of 9% of republicans, and I am sure a lot of the “independants” not supporting her are R-leaners.


When the poll is expanded to all registered voters, Bredesen’s lead grows to 48 to 44 percent.

Start worrying when Kris Kobach suddenly shows up in Knoxville. “Commence Voter Roll Purge!”


I promise to be good, and I won’t ask for ANYTHING for my birthday or Christmas.


I just gave Bredesen $25, since I suspect he hasn’t gotten much money. Anyone else in?


You just might get Montana, Texas, and Arizona, too.

(And, frankly, even the available polls from Indiana and West Virginia are encouraging.)



Say no to Rep Blackmon

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As soon as I get back to Austin!

Help us push Cruz to the curb with Beto and help fund other campaigns.

Plus, help beat Nunes!


(credit to someone who had the idea on twitter lol)


Tennessee and Arizona are open seats. If the blue wave happens,we should hold all our incumbent seats and would only need 2 to take a majority. Tennessee,NV and AZ are the most likely prospects I would think.


One thing I keep hoping holds true is that young voters and people of color are being woefully underrepresented in polls. This is going to be a tough year for any pollster to build a likely voter model being that so many voters who’ve never, or rarely, voted in midterms are coming out to the polls. It’s also going to be even tougher in a state like TN where the primaries weren’t hotly contested and don’t provide at least a window into what the electorate might look like come Election Day.


Notice how different the wording of the report is at TheHill.com:


The 2 term Dem incumbent in Montana better get it.

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I attended a rally today for the Democratic candidate for Governor here in Wisconsin - Tony Evers - along with the local candidate for Congress (against Sean Duffy), the candidate for State Treasurer and the candidate for Lt. Governor.

Three of these are under the age of 40. Two of these are women.

Evers said in his stump speech that the key here is getting out the vote of folks under 40. Evers also said he has run statewide three times and won each time, so he has the name recognition.

We have a lot of women running nationally and at least against incumbents they are doing very well. More young people are running.

This is what will help turn the tide, but I continue my mantra: registration means a heck of a lot less than voting. Take four friends with you to the polls in November. Victory can be had.


They tried it last election… When I lived in NE they thought I had a Southern accent. When living in the PacNorwest people thought it was a Midwest accent. Here in East TN they say I have a Yankee accent and it seemed to be the reason that I was singled out by ??? poll worker. Happened to come with my neighbor, he was finished and I was still being questioned. He did not have any idea that I had not yet voted so came over and asked all done, was I ready to get to the airport. When I told him I was being questioned. After bursting out laughing at the workerhe said XXXX you know better than that, you both have been over together to the house for BBQ more than once. That seemed to give the azz pause and I was allowed to go ahead and vote. They never even approached my daughter, maybe it was the uniform she had on, she wanted to vote before heading back to her ship. She is a now a retired Coastie Officer.