Discussion: Poll: Americans Wary Of Welcoming Border Children

Discussion for article #225718

We truly are a Christian nation. Aren’t we?

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And yet, outside of the AP bubble 69 percent of respondents said the children should be treated as refugees and should be allowed to stay if authorities determine it is not safe for them to return to their home country.

Perhaps if Americans nearing retirement age were reminded that birth rates have been going down since 2008 and more people are at or nearing retirement age. Then, remind them that these immigrant children will be paying into Social Security and Medicare for 50 or more years if they are not deported. They may change their minds when looking at it from different angle.

53% says we have no moral obligation to take asylum-seekers…

Does this mean we send back all of the Russian criminals that have been causing issues in California?

Common sense like that doesn’t work on them.

You see, to them all they see are “generational welfare recipients” who will “never work a Real Job”, and only “suck up welfare and commit crime” while “making more parasite welfare babies” that “hardworking REAL MURICANS” will have to support.

I should always remind myself when reading these excerpts that it is not like a public figure’s rhetoric. These people really have an at-best tenuous grip on macroeconomic matters – owing to a lack in time, training, inclination, and probably other factors.

57,000 people in one city makes a huge difference in all but the biggest boom towns. Most people don’t seem able to imagine that the ripple effect in the economy would be much smaller than they project. (That, or they have a deep-seated fear that the slope is much more slippery than it actually is.)

“Christian Nation Wary of Acting Christ-like”

There. Fixed your title for ya.

I don’t know about most folks, but I’m sure you’re aware that the vast majority of immigrants came here to work in order to send money home. They can’t send food stamps home. In order to have enough to send home, many of them work more than one job. Welfare is useless to them as it provides only enough to meagerly scrape by. They want to buy things they couldn’t afford at home and make enough to send some to their families back home. Actually, for many decades illegal immigrants have paying into SS and Medicare, propping it up, without a hope of ever collecting in their lifetimes.

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I’ll believe poll results when my phone rings!

I know that.

You know that.

Teabag America believes that’s Marxist Obammuist Propaganda Saul Alinsky and Eric Holder, Call Sheriff Joe!

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