Discussion: Poll: Americans OK With Obama's Immigration Plan As Long As He's Not Mentioned

Discussion for article #245223

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These are the guys who decide questions on FACTS. Like, the FACT that the president is a ni(CLANG!)


You get that Kenyan Muslim odor on it and it’s undesirable.

I guess.

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Sixty-one percent of Americans supported Obama’s plan – which shields some undocumented immigrants from deportation – when they were not told Obama had taken the action, according to the poll released Wednesday. While half of Republicans rejected the plan when described this way, 42 percent of Republicans supported it.

When pollsters attached Obama’s name to the immigration action, 54 percent of Americans supported it, and opposition grew to 62 percent among Republicans.

David McCullough (v/o): “The GOP Civil War was fought in various places…”


Still a solid majority in favor; I’m pleasantly surprised. Good omen for the general.


Was this poll taken in John Roberts’ “post-racial America”?


What a shock. More than half the republicans hate something with the president’s name on it. Who knew?

Now that that’s been proven, next up. Proof that water is actually wet.

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What? The sheriff is near?

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the following link is a prominent piece of legislation that Republicans liked…until

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No surprise there… as is same with Health Care. Called ODS (Obama Derangement Syndrome).


One more reason, to consider a test to vote. After all if you randomly line up 10 Americans eligible to vote, 7 will be dumb as a box of rocks.


Latest person to show at Big Door’s alternate event!

You would think so, wouldn’t you? But one thing that I’ve been struck by over the years is how often people, especially those on the right, will vote for a candidate whose policies they actually disagree with. It was especially stark in 2000 and 2004 - you could ask voters their opinions on a range of issues, then ask them who they were planning to vote for. The mismatch was striking - people who disagreed with almost everything Bush stood for were often 100% behind him. Oy.


Yup, sadly aware of that. But in this case, the fact that 54% are still in favor even when it’s identified as the KenyanMuslim usurper’s tyrannical executive action should boost the confidence of Dems up and down the ticket that they can use the issue to run against the GOP – or at least not run away from their party and its leaders. Which I’ve long maintained is the dynamic most responsible for the phenomenon you describe.


Immigration policy,and probably many things Obama has done would not have been such a big deal if it had someone else’s name on it. Notice how the opposition to his executive action on guns died down almost immediately because it was not authentic,it was just more Obama bashing.

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when they were not told Obama had taken the action…42 percent of Republicans supported it.

United Heathers of America…

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In a nutshell, this is everything that is wrong with this country. There is much on which we could agree if people could just get beyond their calcified biases. Although the lion’s share of said calcification is on the right, they do not have a monopoly on narrow-mindedness.

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Republicans will never admit it but they are jealous of his accomplishments despite their efforts to thwart everything he has done and tried to do. Jealousy and hate - the two are intertwined,


Just proof of ODS (Obama Derangement Syndrome) and how effective the 24x7 “We Decide, You Agree” Reich-Wing Echo Chamber is at disseminating propaganda to the low-information voter.
Race-baiting works.
Fear-mongering works.
Scape-goating works.
That is why they employ it, and why ALL of the Republican Presidential Candidates have embraced it (some more “vigorously” than others. cough-Trump-cough)
Not all Republicans are racist assholes, but all racist assholes ARE Republicans come election day.

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These are some of the reasons broadcast communications were once carefully regulated for fairness.