Discussion: Poll: 40 Percent Expect Trump's Tariffs To Help The Economy

The 40% of Americans who:

  1. Can’t balance their checkbook,
  2. Are maxed out on their credit cards;
  3. Don’t own stock;
  4. Have no retirement savings;
  5. Invest heavily in video poker and/or the lottery;
  6. Don’t understand that the vast majority of the crap they buy from WallyMart comes from China; &
  7. Don’t understand that aluminum tariff’s will make that suitcase of “Milwaukee’s Best” go up in price.

The bond market is not convinced they’re going to be good for the economy. The 30 year treasury note has dipped back under three percent again. It’s at 2.971. Soybeans are at a ten year low, 8.55. That’s up from 8.54 yesterday. Winning!
Generally speaking, if the bond market expects an improving economy, the bond yields go up, not down.


40% of Americans couldn’t figure out how to put a bathrobe on backwards and bought a snugglie.


Money management is not a big focus of American schooling despite how fundamental it really is to your day-to-day. We had a brief unit in my high school civics class where the teacher “gave” each of us $1000(?) and the stock market listings and then we “invested.” I stuck mainly to safe stocks and it was basically a wash after a month. Several people invested heavily in penny stocks and went “broke” after a week. I think we also spent a little bit of time managing a check book, but I don’t really remember anything more than that.

The main takeaway for me was that the stock market was a waste of time (and quite possibly a boondoggle) if you weren’t already rich.


These are very interesting numbers. Given the present strength of the economy one would expect Trump to be doing much, much better with the public in general. I suspect he has two real problems. First most people understand that tariffs are bad or at best don’t do any good. Second, corporations haven’t passed the tax savings from the GOP tax plan along to their employees in the form of increased wages. The people who will count in the coming election have seen little personal evidence of the improved economy.


Dumb as the 40% are, the 16% who think they won’t make any difference are by far the dumbest slice here.

I mean, there’s at least a reasoning process, however stupid and misguided, that will get you to “it will help” if you’re basically ignorant of economics and don’t fully grasp why mercantilism doesn’t work even in theory if you’re not on the gold standard anymore. The 40% are the same people who think being in business means you have a strong grasp of economic policy and macroeconomic theory.

But how the hell someone can look at huge tariffs being slapped on China and say they won’t make a difference to them is completely beyond me.


40 percent = Trump’s approval rating. If you told them that the Democrats have proposed putting tariffs on the exact same items and in exactly the same amount that Trump has,those 40 percent would be against it unanimously.


Living in the Cumberland Valley in PA it is hard to tell who this 40% is made up of.
The only difference between an educated or uneducated Republican is how elegantly they can state their love of Trump and their hate of Democrats.


I was for it before I was against it!


Thanks for being in the tank yet again, AP. Usually you run a headline with the larger number. In this case, the 60% of respondents who think that trump’s tariffs won’t help the economy, or the 80% who think that the tariffs will leave them either worse off or no better.


Or the 40% who consistently ‘approve’ of Donald Trump


Dotard’s double-secret probation plan to further stifle the free press…

Black and white and red ink all over: The Trump tariff that’s strangling newspapers


“He’s a businessman playing hardball and we’ll see how the other countries react,” Sailors said. “Maybe, after some tit and tat, the U.S. and the other countries will sit down and talk. But right now, it’s a wait and see.”


You know, morons.


And 60% of Americans aren’t complete morons.


The only one getting hit with that “hardball” is the consumer.


Of the people polled…
40% are idiots
16% are morons
44% think the others are morons and idiots.


It’s too bad that they can’t do a poll where they tell people beforehand, that the Dotard says " that the earth is flat." And I bet you would get about 40% of those polled would agree.

I don’t know how we have made it this far.


“he president has benefited from a rising stock market”

Can someone explain to me why this claim about the rising stock market is relentlessly repeated by the media? The market is down for the year! We’re in August. That is a not a rising market, even if it is not currently in correction territory. I find this really irritating since the facts here are so straightforward and easily available.