Discussion: Politico Quietly Edits Scoop Claiming Carson 'Falsified' West Point Acceptance

Discussion for article #242608

So Politico couldn’t include the entry in his book?

Wouldn’t that have, at least, give some credence to its “reporting”?

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So Carson only lied a little bit?

Now, that’s a relief!


Josh has tried to help dig himself out of this mess as well. But either someone offered to sponsor his application (which means a member of Congress) or they didn’t. Westmoreland is dead, as likely is everyone else aged 40 or older at that time who was there, so it’s unlikely there is anyone left to corroborate or counter his claim.


That anyone would think Politico is part of the “liberal media” is a joke. And that Politico thought it could somehow retain the love of the right-wing nuts who won’t accept anything except Fox or talk radio as legitimate is pathetic.


Ann Coulter is certainly outraged at cyber-rag Politico:


What’s changed, except for Politico’s spine quietly disintegrating into chicken shit?


Ok, this raises an additional question. Was Westmoreland even in Detroit on that day?


All Politico did was allow Uncle Ben a way out of the wholesale fabrication he has been peddling about West Point for years. Now, each and every time the issue arises, Carson will go into “…Politico lied about what I said and this is a non issue.” Never mind that he created out of obvious whole cloth that he was offered a ‘full scholarship’ to West Point…a total lie! NO scholarships given to cadets to go to West Point, let alone scholarships that are given directly to a prospective student by generals attending gatherings.
West Point cadets are employees of the United States Army and are paid a stipend.

Uncle Ben! You fu*ked up…Big Time!


And he’s probably going to get away with it. Politico gave him an easy out…and his dullard low/no info followers don’t care.


Aside from the fact that no one ever gets a “scholarship” to West Point, full or otherwise, because if you are accepted there is no tuition, and I belive room and board are also covered, it’s been determined that Westmoreland wasn’t in Detroit on the day this was supposed to happen. In other words, the story is a complete fabrication out of whole cloth, from a pathological liar.


At the end of the day, you have a kid many years ago who heard what he wanted to hear. Happens all the time. But adults are supposed to make sure they understand what likely happened and not stick with a naive reading of what was said. There are weird ways in which Ben Carson is naive and that should actually be the story.


C’mon, give the guy a break. Small variations don’t matter. “I’ll attack Iraq; I’ll attack Iran.” Tiny differences hardly worth quibbling over.


We continue to stand by the story… whatever we have morphed it into now.


For an “offer” to have been made, which he very clearly and repeatedly says in his book, there would have to be paperwork started and filed at West Point. There is none.

The story his campaign is spinning now, is a very different story from the one he tells in his book. The Memorial Day parade in Detroit where he met with Westmoreland and later had dinner with him? Yeah, Westmoreland was in D.C. that day. And was playing tennis that night.

His book makes numerous references to being offered a “full scholarship” and how it was difficult for him to turn it down, but he told them that he was so dedicated to medicine that nothing could stand in his way. Not just once, but numerous times (at least 4 times in 3 paragraphs). That didn’t happen. He was never offered a full scholarship (such a thing doesn’t even exist…either you get admitted or you don’t).

His campaign is now saying that his “Commander” told him about the offer…trying to back pedal it to, not an offer, but just telling him he could get him in. That’s not possible either. It requires a Congressional critter to make the recommendation, or possibly a high ranking (read: General). His “Commander” did not have that level of juice and, I believe, was a Sergeant.

Its not a matter of “he said/they said”. These are things that are factually not possible. And the story being told today differs considerably from the one he wrote and has told many times (Charlie Rose has a piece out today where he specifically makes the same claims on his a few years back).

He lied. The only questions are: is he telling another lie today to try and cover up the one he has been repeating for years? And how many other lies has he told?


Liberal media will finish folding by Monday.


Given Politico’s usual beltway bent and conservative spin, I wouldn’t be surprised if this is just Politico inventing a situation where it falls on its sword on purpose to make Carson look the victim of the evil liberal MSM.


It won’t wash. The story isn’t politico: it’s Carson’s fantasy.


This is little more than right wingers trying to stomp down a negative story about their biblical hero, Ben Carson. He already admitted the story was false so guess what, the story WAS fabricated by Ben Carson. Politico is a shit gossip rag but hopefully they have the spine to stand up to the GOP on this one because this pushback against the “liberal media” is all we’re going hear during the campaign.


…And now we find out that West Point does not offer scholarships to undergrads at the Academy at all? “Fabrication” seems to be the totally accurate term, Politico.


I honestly think Politico misunderstood what Carson was claiming to begin with. Perhaps they weren’t aware (though they certainly should have been) that ALL cadets attend West Point on a “full scholarship” so Carson was simply saying he was offered an opportunity to attend. Such an offer, coming from someone like General Westmoreland (and backed by Carson’s stellar ROTC record, if that part of his book is true) surely amounts to a guarantee of acceptance should he decide to apply. But I’m not seeing where in his writing or speaking he ever claims to have applied and been formally accepted. In fact he clearly says the exact opposite, that he never followed through on the recruitment offer because he’d decided on a different path.