Discussion: Political Outsiders Continue Fall Poll Domination In Suffolk University/USA TODAY Poll

Discussion for article #241220

Trump is at 23%, down five points from his high, and the story is that he “dominates his race.”

Hillary is at 35%, stable, and the story is that she’s in trouble.


Trump’s plan? Vague and unspecified.
Every other Republican’s plan? Pass legislation that will hurt people.

I guess the public would prefer the vague and unspecified. Can’t be any worse than what everyone else is proposing.


[Pats Pockets]

Sorry. All out of fucks to give.


The three leaders, Trump Carson, and Fiorina all tell the lies the majority of republicans believe and Trump is a white male. No surprise he leads.

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The guy with the highest unfavorables at 53% of all candidates leads?! All this can mean is he has the lowest ceiling of all the candidates. I tell you he will be history before the first primary.


Dominating the media attention maybe. He leads undecided by 5% and is the second choice of 5%. The highest level of support he can achieve is about 30%, which won’t be enough once candidates start to drop out.


so he’s in the lead, and at the bottom of favorability. so the more you disgust a republican voter, the more likely he/she is to vote for you. makes total sense.

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In a 15-candidate race, Trump is getting between one-fourth and one-fifth of the votes. In a 2-candidate race, Hillary is getting one third of the votes.

I’d say that Trump is dominating and Hillary is in trouble. (And I say that as a Hillary supporter.)


Trump lacks an upside. He is toast.

Hillary is in deep trouble because she is allowing the media to control the message. Every time she apologizes for her email server she loses.


Trump pegs my BS meter:

which means the “base” loves da man

In most articles a candidate whose poll numbers decline is noted as losing momentum. Why not Trump?

Also, the writer of this article is from Texas with the last name Cruz. Is she a relative of Senator Cruz.

Don’t make the mistake thinking other people think like you. Most people think ALL politicians lie, so the fact that someone get’s caught in one means very little.

What are HRC unfavorables?

61 percent of those surveyed view [Trump] unfavorably.

There’s a ringing endorsement!

By my estimate, the GOP has a little more than six weeks to bury this clown, or they’re in serious trouble. After Thanksgiving, folks tend to tune out politics until after the holidays unless something substantial happens.

Doesn’t matter. If he wins IA, NH, and then SC and NV, which hold their primaries within the span of three weeks, then the narrative will be that Trump is winning, that he’s the presumptive nominee. And with the first 16 primaries occurring within a month of each other, most of the candidates have enough money to at least limp along until Super Tuesday. Especially now that the delegates are front-loaded, candidates polling reasonably well are far less likely to get out of the race before March. Trump could run up his totals early on, and by the time candidates who could really change the course of events start dropping out, it may be too late to stop him.

Also, it matters who gets out of the race too. As long as Christie, Jeb!, Rubio, and Kasich remain in the race they’ll continue to divide up establishment support and deny the establishment a candidate to coalesce around. Conversely, Jindal, Paul, Santorum, Huckabee, Graham, and Pataki could all drop out and it would have very little polling effect on the campaign overall. However, if Cruz were to leave, his support would probably go to both Trump and Paul.

So, it’s just not as simple as “Trump will lose once candidates start to drop out” as the MSM likes to suggest. What matters most is who drops out and when because another thing this poll reveals, that aggregate polling reveals is that 50% of the GOP base still is supporting an outsider candidate with no government experience, and one with no ability to actually win.


They key is how many drop out. If it goes down to just two people, Trump definitely loses. Three? Perhaps. But 4 or more remain and he actually has a shot.

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No, it show more how the extremist element in that party has expanded. 61% view him unfavorably, 23% support him. The overall math works for that since it’s 84% total.

100% agree. It was an unfortunate decision to use a personal email account from a retail political standpoint, but she broke no laws, betrayed no state secrets, and didn’t do anything different from others before her who received no such criticism. So no apologies are necessary.