A political flyer circulated anonymously in a Detroit, Michigan suburb Friday promoted white candidates running for office, with a message that read, “Let’s get the blacks out.”
I hope a million people send a copy of that flyer to John Roberts.
I hate to admit that it is still painful to me that people still stubbornly and insensitively cling to the thought that Trayvon Martin was a “thug.” Of all the unspeakable things I’ve seen, heard and/or witnessed in my life, I can’t articulate why this angers me so.
Part of it is that they continue saying it, no matter how ridiculous it is or unsubstantiated it is. But a large portion of our society suffers from that. Especially conservatives, who stubbornly insist on things over and over even if they are factually untrue.
I must confess to feeling hurt and angry when I hear that. Martin was minding his own business, walking, talking on the cell phone, drinking his tea … being followed by an older, heavy-set guy with a gun. “Thug,” in this case, was how Zimmerman handled himself that night.
I really do get it that Zimmerman and others were on edge because of the rash of break-ins, but Zimmerman totally mishandled himself from start to finish. If it hadn’t been for the gun, Martin would have whipped Zimmerman’s ass – and rightfully so. Zimmerman should have introduced himself, explained who he was–Neighborhood Watch–and explained he was out just looking around and that if Martin saw anything or needed any help just to ask. Small talk, etc., would have gone a long way to helping Zimmerman understand very quickly that Martin was no threat and was on his way to visit family. Zimmerman will forever have blood on his cowardly little hands.
Comments elsewhere indicate the candidates named on this flyer support all manner of equal rights, so the flyer may be the opposition’s way of undercutting campaigns of “the good guys.”
I am not local, so I do not know - perhaps someone local can advise us on this?
I always knew that Clarence Thomas was a Mistake for the High Court. For reasons ranging from Anita Hill to Thomas’ lack of competence.
But I never imagined he would turn out to be the single most damaging African American in United States History–not only to his fellow African Americans, but the Nation at large.
Looking at him he looks profoundly miserable. And, knowing his biography, I realize why this is so.
No amount of having a white woman on his arm, judicial robes or Decisions designed to distance himself from his People will erase that environment, experience and upbringing in a place like Savannah, Georgia, U.S.A.
For a second, seeing the two black dress Police uniforms, I thought perhaps they’re running to remove two bad incumbent police commanders. Thankfully the back of the flyer clarified that these politicians are really racist assholes.
It is the corrupt, Fossil-Fuel/Corporate so-called “press” (read: “media”) which simply does not ask certain questions.
Instead, the written and sometimes broadcast material (SALON, THE ATLANTIC, some broadcast outlets, the Web, etc) is disseminated to adults in the United States (Baggers shy away from these).
The rest of it (the “Mainstream”) is Republican.
And the Elephant in the telephone booth will be overlooked, in favour of the Horserace.
I think there is some punking going on. I was willing to believe the front of the flyer, but the back…Trayvon is not who you choose to stoke white fear, and Zimmerman is not who you choose as the white knight.