Discussion: Police: Worker At Child Immigration Facility Molested Teen

How terrifying for the young girl.


Will be interesting to know if this organization did any background checks on employees. After the 1st incident it should have been a no brainer to do some serious vetting of staff.


A worker at a nonprofit organization that houses immigrant children separated from their parents at the border has been booked on suspicion of molesting a 14-year-old girl at its one of its facilities in Phoenix, police said Wednesday.

Roy Moore: “So what?!?”


Our federal tax dollars at work. Good going Donnie!

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Make America Grope Again

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Terrifying for both girls- the one who was assaulted and the witnessing roommate.


‘Magaz Negrete’ sounds like “Make America Great” in some phony language.

I am sick to death of the bad actors in this administration allowing, condoning, hell – facilitating – assaults on children and their parents. Someone has to make it stop NOW, or answer for the criminal behavior themselves.

Jeezus fucking christ — the temperature inside that building is set at 64-65°. If you’ve ever wondered why they all call it the “icebox,” now you know.

Fun Fact: Extreme temperatures are listed as a form of torture by all Human Rights organizations.

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Today’s MUST READ:

What’s the use of the security cameras if no one is watching live? If that were the case, someone could have stopped the predator on his first visit to the victim’s room. Instead the obsessed pedophile made several visits. Here’s hoping the child will receive counselling after this.

Roy Moore/delayed reaction: “WHY didn’t I think of that?”

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Magaz Negrete made a brief court appearance Tuesday night, asking the court commissioner who presided over the bond hearing, “Who is bringing up these charges?”

Not a good look for a defendant in this type of charge.