Discussion for article #231390
Patrick Lynch needs to calm down.
Enough craziness to go around in this country.
“There’s blood on many hands tonight. Those that incited violence on the streets under the guise of protest that tried to tear down what NYPD officers did every day.”
Nobody incited anyone to violence. A man with a gun and a suicide wish wanted to go out in a blaze of glory.
This has nothing to do with Eric Garner or the protests except to have provided him with an excuse and a stage.
“Those who allowed this to happen will be held accountable,” Lynch continued.
Does anyone else think that all of these recent executions of unarmed citizens, adults and children alike, were intended to provoke just this situation, so that eventually the entire populace can be “held accountable”?
People like the talking heads of Fox News have been predicting a race war for years, and I think they were becoming frustrated that it hasn’t happened yet. So the powers that be equip the police like an invading army and kill enough unarmed kids and minor offenders that it becomes inevitable that someone will respond in kind. After all, they first made sure that the average citizen could have as many non-automatic weapons as they could afford, insuring a minimal capability to kill a handful of the oppressors.
To me, this looks like a plan to implement a nationwide series of laws and police crackdowns that will make the Soviet Union of the 1960s look like child’s play.
I hope I’m overreacting…
Normally I support unions, but this guy is turning out to be a real asshole. Politicizing this tragedy is about a as low as it gets, and by the way he is totally wrong. Sloppy, unprofessional police work is responsible, and the cops need to clean up their act, or get fired before someone else gets killed.
Thank you Prime! The only one with blood on their hands is the murder of the 2 police, this union guy is trying to blame others he does not like, he should not be heading that union, he’s stirring the pot wanting it to boil over.
The police are freaking unhinged! What was DeBlasio supposed to say following Garner’s death? “Good job strangling a non-threatening man illegally selling cigarettes”?
What a joke, they owe DeBlasio an apology. They are just spreading more hate.
Unfortunately, the PBA here will do everything in its power to incite violence. Ironic, isn’t it?
To hear Lynch (appropriate name) speak, you’d swear that one kind of New Yorker was at war with other kinds of New Yorkers. That’s because the PBA sees minorities in the city much in the same way that American soldiers saw Iraqis; they were ALL the enemy. No good ones, no bad ones, just all enemy.
Lynch really believes that the Mayor and Al Sharpton are to blame here because they were the ones who instigated this to happen. By bringing to light the FACT that Garner was murdered - along with the other Black men around the country who were murdered by the police - that was the instigating factor, not the murder itself. The idea being: if Blacks are killed by the police, so what - they did something to deserve it. Don’t talk about it, its not worth your time.
Notice most all of Lynch’s followers are white. Because even Black police officers know that they could “potentially” be killed by White officers
“When a police officer is murdered, it tears at the foundation of our society,” de Blasio said. “It is an attack on all of us. It is an attack on everything we hold dear. We depend on our police to protect us against forces of criminality and evil.”
And their random attacks on the people are just a small price to pay for all this protection? Isn’t firing back a logical next step? The idea that the police are now a protected sub species and have basically become the 1% army does not bode well for the public safety or social order.
Shit’s about to get real, yo. There are a fuckton of guns out there.
Not only calm down, but find a different profession.
This is pure 100% unadulterated crap. Not that I expect anything less from the police unions.
I see a police “union” as more of a professional association, like a bunch of doctors or lawyers who get together at the country club to promote their own interests. If they only negotiated wages, benefits, and working conditions, they would be a union. As it is, they are an advocacy group for the legitimization of police violence.
“Those who allowed this to happen will be held accountable,” Lynch continued.
As opposed to, say, police killings of unarmed civilians where no one is held to account.
And I wonder how far back that picture frame would have to be pulled back to show a non-white male in the crowd supporting Lynch.
It’s beyond reprehensible that in a time of tragedy, Lynch turns this into a political issue.
Just sickening.
Space station kind of far.
I don’t recall police unions blaming anyone else when two cops were assassinated in a Las Vegas pizza joint. Where was all this right-wing outrage when two policemen in Las Vegas were murdered by tea party extremists who then threw a Gadsden flag over the body of one of their victims? As far as I can recall, they didn’t blame anyone, else, not even the murderers. The right wingers just pretended it didn’t happen. Just like they ignored the shooting of the police in Pittsburgh by the gun nut Poplawski, and the Knoxville Unitarian church shooting by RWNJ Jim Adkisson.
Go ahead NYCPD, turn your backs to the Mayor. You’ve already turned your backs to a huge segment of society you’re supposed to “protect and serve”
As predictable as the dawn. I wish the Police Union hadn’t brought their brand of right wing politics into the tragic murder of two officers.
You just nailed it on the head! The PBA no longer even cares enough to pretend that they “protect and serve” the whole city. Just White people but especially, as you say, the 1%. Anyone else is the enemy. Lynch was WAY over the top with that tirade. I don’t believe that anyone who wasn’t already on their side was brought over by it. But it wasn’t meant to bring people togerher; it was meant to be a declaration of war.
or like tanking our economy and torturing. Then going on TV to brag about it ala the Vampire Cheney