Discussion: Police Union Praises Cops Who Walked Out Of Basketball Game Over BLM Jerseys

Well there’s a shocker…the Benevolent Order of Citizen-Beaters supports faux-outrage by citizen-beaters over incidents of citizen-beating.


Can the cops be disciplined by the force for what they did (or did not do–in this case, the crowd control they were hired for) while on a private detail? I hope so.

Before we even get to the political implications of this conduct, the officers broke the promise they made to do the job. Politics or personal feelings should not play a part in living up to the deal they made when they took the assignment.


The police are scared. The usage of war like equipment reveals their fear. Over reacting by shooting Innocent people is sign of their fear. The way things are with anybody and everybody able to get guns it is reason to be afraid. Even I’m afraid and I live in a very safe place. That is why we need gun control and they think they need guns.


“Freedom of speech is the right to communicate one’s opinions and ideas without fear of government retaliation or censorship. The term freedom of expression
is sometimes used synonymously, but includes any act of seeking,
receiving and imparting information or ideas, regardless of the medium


The uniforms had a Dallas Police Department symbol on the back, so it isn’t like they were only honoring BLM and the recent deaths. As usual, a missed opportunity. Too bad the officers didn’t approach the team and have a dialog, maybe everyone would have learned something.


Ah, yes, the MPD. When I heard about Falcon Heights, I was surprised it was a suburban police officer, not a Minneapolis one. Tough lot. Some of them even acknowledge the goonishness of their fellows.


To protect and serve.

And be excused.


See this is what the Dallas Police cheif was talking about.

It’s the teams freedom of speech and association to wear the jersey’s, to read it in these comments ,they’re heros… It was also the cops freedom of speech and association to quit a moonlighting job because they felt they were in poor taste, obviously they love beating people and killing unarmed citizens.

None of the players “sought to open a dialog” with police… That’s fine. These four off-duty cops “didn’t open a dialog”… They should be reprimanded at their actual jobs because they didn’t do what you wouldn’t have either in their situation…


Shorter police unions: Freedom of speech for me but not for thee. We can express ourselves by making it more difficult for you by denying police protection by breaking our contracts and boycotting.

Off duty police officers are entitled decide which gigs to accept but once they agree to a contract they should not break it. When on duty they have no right whatsoever to decide which speech they are willing to protect.


To protect and serve…only the 1%…


Such delicate flowers. I wish I could walk off my job every time someone sad something disparaging about statistics. Statisticians are people too!!!


An inadvertent service that the BLM folks are providing all 'round is that you can gauge your local PD’s level of professionalism by they way they react/interact/over-react with BLM.


I keep reading that some police live in constant fear. Sounds like conservatives to me.


Made them uncomfortable. Good. They need to feel uncomfortable about their actions at times.


I think you’re absolutely right about that. The support or lack thereof of BLM by any police group really serves as a kind of litmus test and reveals how they feel about their “service” to a segment of society. Despite the fact that they were “off duty”, they abandoned a job because they felt slighted. I think this should be noted in any upcoming performance review because this sort of behaviour WILL make itself known again.


Police officers like this play directly into the hands of people who claim that the police have no legitimacy. If you only protect the people you think agree with you, then you’re not a police officer, you’re a yahoo with a gun and a piece of tin.


And there goes any ‘community unity’ between police and the public. It is ALL BLMs fault that there is racism in the country, BLM MAKES police should innocent people, BLM MAKES the police assume all brown skin people are out to get them and no training, or consensus or discussion is needed. GOOD JOB KIDS!!!


How utterly unprofessional.

To be honest about it, I’ve known law enforcement personnel my whole life, both Federal and local. The way so many of these cops behave is shameful to their badges. Their ‘shoot first and ask questions of the corpses’ mentality is appalling. Have none of these people been taught proper threat assessment? Do they need psychological help to deal with the bad things they’ve seen?

Being a minority of any stripe is terrifying, you know. How many trans people get murdered and the cops never bother to investigate or Black people get gunned down by cops for no reason before those defending cops admit that there’s a problem that needs to be fixed?

Sorry, I finally wanted to say something.


Great comment. Just shows that these guys are the type to take the ball home when things get difficult.

I am hoping that there are some officers who read TPM, who may be able to comment on the current psyche of the men and women in blue. I keep hearing and am told that they don’t feel like the POTUS and many of the American people have their back. What does that mean? They are getting paid, I can not remember the mayor, the city AG coming down hard on cops in general. If anything it is only a few isolated incidents throughout the country that have been commented on. Are our police force psyche’s so fragile to critique?