Discussion for article #231837
Seems like the San Antonio Police Department has a problem. This “officer” of the law steals from the people he is supposed to be helping. Other SAPD officers just beat up anyone they feel like beating up.
Explanation: It’s Texas.
In his defense he will claim he did not “Steal” the items. He merely took them under the preemptive “forfeiture” drug laws.
Hmmm…you mean these “heroes” aren’t allowed the spoils of their profession?
So this’ll get you fired, at least. But apparently, the only way shooting a black guy will get you fired is if you are caught on camera field dressing the corpse.
Well, he clearly crossed the line when he took away a gun!
And how is the gun, anyway? Is it okay?
I’ve never understood how those forfeiture laws are Constitutional. Where’s the “due process?”
Entrepreneurial policing. Nothing new about that.
Oh sure some people would say this is wrong. Police call it incentive.
Officer Chatys is de Blasio’s latest victim. What will it take to stop de Blasio’s war on the police?