Discussion: Police Responding To Report Of Shooting At Arizona High School

They girls probably deserved it.

That’s how guns work, right?

Police found two 15-year-old female sophomores lying next to each other on campus each dead of a single gunshot wound, said Breeden. A weapon was found next to them.

Detectives are still processing the scene but are not looking for any other suspects or persons of interest.

Man thats tragic…


Jesus was calling home Gertrude and Myrtle from Bayview Nursing Home. Cell tower coverage is spotty in that area, went to the wrong location.

The Second Amendment says nothing about personal ownership of guns. If you read it as it was written it had one purpose. To restrict the Federal Government from prohibiting the States from forming Militias ( National Guards ) . That is all it allows for. But I doubt the Founders would have had concerns with private gun ownership. They just didn’t address It. No need to as it was a given everyone had them and that it was a defacto right. But when it got to the point that everyone had them and it was rule by gun ( the wild wild west ) something had to be done and ownership was regulated.

If the NRA has it’s way we’ll all be back on the street Marshall Dillon style or at the OK Coral to solve our difference.

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Awful. So young.

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Hope it finds a loving home.

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It’s horrible. I have co-workers that have kids in that school. Everyone in AZ seems to have guns. All it takes is a troubled kid, an available weapon… and this happens. When are we going to wake up?


obama. obama obama obama. obama.

“There once was a time in history when the limitation of governmental power meant increasing liberty for the people. In the present day the limitation of governmental power, of governmental action, means the enslavement of the people by the great corporations.” - Theodore Roosevelt

It isn’t exactly pertinent to your comment, but you reminded me of this and it’s a good message to spread.

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We need to start making gun owners criminally responsible. Who owned the gun, how did it got to the killers hands?

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This was either a murder suicide, or double suicide. Put your pitch forks away. Two young people are dead.

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I as so sick of these politicians that offer up “prayers” after each shooting.

These jackoffs think they can pray the gun violence away…instead of doing something about it.

Just imagine if parents with guns actually had to lock away their weapons, so kids can’t get their hands on them…

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Every day, every single day there are shootings here in the valley of the sun. Two more just happened at a house party.

Could the solution be as simple as a gun lock, so if kids get their hands on the parents gun, they won’t be able to fire the weapon?

…but, don’t despair ducey is praying…


@MaineMomma …Or guns are programmed to fire only in their owners’ hands. Won’t stop all gun violence, but it may have in this case (assuming the shooter was not the gun owner) and in the case of Kathryn Steinle in SF who was shot in the back by a gun stolen from a cop’s vehicle… And the guy in Georgia who shot a judge, the judge’s clerk, and two law officers with a gun he took from the cop he overpowered while escorting him from jail to court and then kidnapped a woman with it (Hollywood made a movie out of this)… And children who shoot playmates and siblings with their parents’ guns…And on and on and on.


There are two young people dead, they were not hit by lightning. Who owned the gun? Whoever owned the gun must be made civil and criminally responsible.

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Too many damn guns.

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The 2nd Amendment was passed because the founders feared that a federal standing army would disarm the state militias. In the 18th century, militia members kept their weapons at home, not in an armory. In no way did the founders intend by the 2nd Amendment to allow 21 yr old assholes to open carry AK-47s and AR-15s. This GOP court loves original intent except where it impacts the 2nd Amendment.

Any age person. My father in law was 74…I think he just didn’t want to end up in a nursing home like his mother, physically healthy, but not a clue who she or anyone else was…

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