Discussion for article #226296
I guess the rich and famous lead different kinds of lives. But I tend to know when my partner is asleep. That kind of gulf between married people is depressing to hear about.
I know many couples that sleep in separate beds that are not rich but just don’t like dealing with the snoring or hot flashes…
I think it’s about so much more than who and where. Points taken, but this is an artistic loss on an iconic level for society and friends of Williams alike. It’s also an unpleasant reminder of the silent killer lurking in depression - a disease that so often takes its toll quietly over decades of suffering with those closest of us understanding so little about the way we feel. Pain from tumors or bodily injury, is much easier to see and empathize with.
True, and let’s not pile more guilt on his wife or family members. We don’t know anything about their marriage - and being a spouse of someone with a mental illness must be complex and confusing.
Dear TPM: I hugely admire what you do. But the fact that the details of Mr Williams’s sad death are out there in the MSM doesn’t mean that you have to pile-on. Reporting on depression statistics? Solid. Info about famous people who’ve acknowledged they suffer from the disease? Awesome. Actions to be taken to better help those who suffer, from both personal and policy perspectives? Right on.
Details on exactly how he died? For god’s sake, NO.
Weird, the article is not showing up for me. Just all the added and page wrapper stuff.
Edit: Seems to be loading finally.
So…you’re a dandygoat troll? Is that it? By looking art your history we can see that you’ve made very few comments but in all of them you reference a “dandygoat” parody article.
Wassamatter troll? Your site not getting any visits so you come here trying to augment them?
Why not link it to ReaganBook?
Oh wait…ReaganBook never got more than seven inches off the ground did it?
Dandygoat link spamming makes regular goats scream.
You do know that dandygoat trolling will put hair on your palms and cause blindness, right?
My step dad snores really loudly. He and my mother sleep not only in separate rooms, but on separate floors in the house. They love each other dearly.
I have a pair of friends. The wife lives in anxiety, and the husband drives himself crazy trying to fix things for her. They are deeply in love, but separated 4 years ago. Both of them are very happy, both of them still talk about the other as lifelong partners, and they date frequently during the week. If you didn’t know about their separate living arrangements, you wouldn’t believe it.
The rich and famous are every bit as human as you and I. Categorizing them as somehow freakish just because they have more money than you do, or people follow them around with cameras does both them and you a disservice.
Glad to see that dandy goat idiot’s gone
Yeah, that’s two I’ve missed so far. I’m glad. I don’t need any more silhouettes on my fuselage
It’s been a busy couple of days…
A lot of people don’t realize that it doesn’t matter how many friends you have, or how many accolades you receive, or how much your family loves and supports you. Depression shuts all that out – often to the point that it’s so much easier to stay depressed then to do the work necessary to fight through it. I guess Robin lost the fight Sunday night.
Damn it.
I see about 10 movies, special features, subscription-only from the likes of Sarah Palin, blaming this on Obama, or something about Democrats in California. A dozen “who-done-it” movies or TV specials in the next 10 years.
Be sure to note, I said Sarah Palin will profit from this, as she does with so much of what is not quite perfect in America, like suicides, which happen each and every day, mostly from guns, which Sarah loves.