Discussion for article #237246
People like this really get under my skin, If you decide to kill yourself DO IT, but kill only yourself leave the wife and children out of your plan!
Barkell said he knew nothing about the family and the shootings were the “first dealings we’ve ever had with them.”
Hell of an introduction.
I hope the gun is OK. Perhaps we should set up a GoFundMe campaign. For the gun.
Well, THANK GOD he was able to exercise BOTH his 2nd Amendment Rights and his Religious Freedom Rights at the same time without interference from the hated US Government.
But he was a law abiding gun owner up until that moment when he pulled the trigger.
Things like this are always religious fanatic acts.
According to the NSRA anyone who uses a gun in a crime is insane. Then they fight laws to take guns away from the insane. For freeeeeedumb!
When the make and model of the gun and ammo are released the NSRA membership will flock to the gun fetish stores to get the same items. For freedumb!