Again? Great.
It’s all so far been directed at Muslim women. Women I talk to feel really vulnerable and rather scared. They are starting with the obvious - Muslim women. But based on the level of animosity seen among Trump supporters during the campaign for women in general, no wonder we’re all nervous.
If I was a hijab wearing Muslim women, I would be more than nervous of course. This is so fucking textbook Nazi I can’t even stand it.
Making America Great Again
Yikes, that economic anxiety just drives racist xenophobes to demon rum.
Trump: My supporters can be passionate.
FOX: America is on its way to Greatness… Again.
And no one came to her aid?
Let the era of Drumpf begin. Or has it begun?
Money isn’t the only thing we’ll be robbed of…
And 3 to 1 at that. Fuckin Nazi cowards.
And Cheetoh Jesus will deny that his rhetoric has anything to do with it. Christ on a cracker, these are some ignorant people. For shame…
HEy. if theY donT like AmeriCa, they shoulD go BacK to Terroristan or whaTever iSlam country they comE froM where WomeN are treated with disrespCt and have No righTs!!!1!!!one!!!1!!!
I know - 3 grown men. Or ostensibly grown men.
It’s pathetic as well as horrible but that’s the very heart of the horror always - it’s always banal and pathetic but evil to the most profound level.
Nothing could be more pathetic or banal than the Nazi mania for record keeping for instance, in the midst of the most incredible chaos.
The Trump Effect® soldiers merrily along while Orange Shitgibbon takes his Victory Lap Bribery Tour.
This is trump’s america (sorry, not gonna capitalize it)
Thanks trump, this is your fault.
Orange shitgibbon…not bad.
My moniker for him is the Walking Shitgibbon Clusterfuck.
Well, if I had oodles of money I’d hire a bunch of tough fighter dudes and dress them up in hijabs and pay them a thousand bucks for every cowardly lout they mangled and left on the street crying like a baby with a smashed-up face.
You get the idea here:
In my next life, I’m going to start training in some lethal form of martial art beginning at a very young age.
Did you say lethal? You’re an American! Lethal is easier than that! Just go into a gun store, tell them your friend said to get a Glock 17, a couple of extra mags, two boxes of shells and a holster. You’ll walk out 10 or 12 minutes later as lethal as anyone. Six hundred bucks or so. After you kill a couple of people you’ll need some cleaning supplies but that’s like five or six bucks.