Discussion: Police Investigating If Bomb Set Off In Target Bathroom Tied To Trans Policy

Yeah, its the Transgender people we have to worry about…


If it is, can we please finally start taking the issue of domestic, right-wing terrorism seriously in this country?


Hmm…let me see. How many bombs have been set off in to past in Target bathrooms? None? Oh, I know, the bomber just hated Target’s tacky merchandise and annoying commercials! That had to be the reason. It couldn’t possibly be because Target’s bathroom policy has spurred the Republican base to condemn them and send the fringey frothy faithful into a hot lather over who uses Target bathrooms.


No. Right wingers are just following the will of there god and that’s so completely unlike international terrorism.

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Of course it isn’t. Why, look at how many times bombs have been set off in Target bathrooms before this. It’s occurred at least…never.

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Because bombing is one of their savior’s main ethical stances.

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“…those who would use the cover of Target’s restroom policy for nefarious purposes…”

Like GOP grifters, religious whackos, and violent extremists?


As an openly gay man, I have been shit on and castigated and discriminated against - but never defeated! - by these RW Teabagging Christianists for decades, but I have never resorted to planting bombs in churches or in offices of Republican politicians. But, of course, I have not been blessed and embraced by the Great and Holy Shiny Neon Plastic Baby Jeebus, either.


Are they sure it wasn’t kids lighting farts?

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I blame that Kenyan in the White House.

-Donald Trump


Every time there’s a terrorist incident like this, I’m going to make an extra trip just to buy at Target.

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Don’t forget that more Republican United States’ Senators have been arrested in public restrooms than have trans people.

~tap! tap! tap!~

*BTW: (loud bathroom bomb) Was Chris Christie visiting Illinois at the time?

Just a thought.

The religious freaks in this country are just as messed up as in any other. The difference is that we usually just leave them alone to do their craziness by themselves, as long as they’re not breaking any laws. They don’t bother us, we don’t bother them while they self-flagellate. We treat them kind of the way one would treat a viper den way, way out in the woods. We leave it the f–k alone, lest they relocate somewhere closer.

But then something as banal and stupid as the transgender bathroom issue comes up, and they go on an apesh*t rage virus rampage. I mean, of all the damned things to go crazy about, they go with this? Because, of course, men who look exactly like women were somehow using the men’s room before? Puh-leaze… All of the arguments they use are, of course, illogical, stupid, and fall flat on their face. And yet they act like this is the most-critical-thing that’s happening in our world at this time? Good lord…

Happens every time. Like clockwork with these idiots.

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Elwood: Illinois Nazis.
Jake: I hate Illinois Nazis.

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that the policy be revoked to protect “women and children from those who would use the cover of Target’s restroom policy for nefarious purposes."

so, the new way to “protect women and children” is to bomb them in the bathroom?

if any of these folks continue to be confused, I’ve got this handy dandy cheat-sheet for reference:

  • transgender persons using bathroom = not actually a problem.
  • a-hole right wing nutjobs blowing up bathrooms = really a problem.

I’m really glad nobody was hurt this time.


A BOMB! A F**KING BOMB! If a dark skinned guy was seen walking out just before it went off you know what the reaction would be and the fact that there is not 24/hrs wall-to-wall coverage says the person was probably white.

Who ever planted the bomb is a terrorist. It is as easy as that.


Since it was apparently a plastic bottle there is a tiny chance that it was some idiot teenagers being idiots. But I doubt this will go unsolved for long.


From the very limited description in the article, a plastic bottle being involved sounds vaguely like the dry ice/water/soda bottle bombs popular with hooligans wanting to hear a big boom. Definitely dangerous in close quarters, these things make an incredible noise and would certainly serve the purpose of terrorizing shoppers and store personnel. Thankfully no injuries. More info please.

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Never get on the wrong side of a reich-wing wedge issue. Those vile fuckers can get violent. I assume this is a homophobe’s response to Target’s LGBT policy. Note the irony that their claim is that they want to protect women and children, and then risk women and children by bombing the very room they say they want to protect. Idiots. Every last one of them.