Discussion for article #234980
An Arizona State University professor whose class on the “problem of whiteness” sparked backlash from conservatives and a total freakout from white supremacist groups received hundreds of hate emails and letters this winter, according to a police report obtained by TPM.
That wasn’t very white of them.
There are very, very few instances of humans freaking out to as high a degree and with a faster speed than when this specific subset of caucasians (or as these particular folk who freak out like to call themselves, “the oppressed majority”) feel they are in any way being oppressed or discriminated. Especially when it’s patently obvious to absolutely everyone else that they’re not.
It’s faster than a speeding 1985 Cadillac Fleetwood Brougham, more powerful than a jacked up monster truck, and can leap to extreme levels of indignation in a single bound from the sofa.
All because someone wanted to essentially discuss “white privilege” in a classroom.
…Man, it must be nice to be white and completely oblivious as to what discrimination really is.
If you start with the premise that untold millions do not believe in " God" then you can move into the real “reasoning” these people use to rationalize their vile outlook on how the world really wokls…instead maybe try this haters… “There is nothing either good or bad…only thinking makes it so…”.Shakepeare
“Confess to Jesus that you’re a sinner”
You first.
Not that it matters, but I doubt that the idiot who sent it actually wrote that letter.
It seems to me to be some sort of boilerplate s/he picked up at church right before they started passing around the snakes and strychnine. It’s “cryptic” because it hasn’t got a blessed thing to do with teaching about whiteness. Perhaps a better word to describe it would be “unrelated.”
And as for the assumption that the letter implies that the sender thinks the professor did something hateful, well, yeah, I’m sure that’s true, but that same person could just as well be passing these things out in the parking lot of the local WalMart to everyone who passes by. After all, “we’re all sinners…”
Mark Twain on Churches!
“Concentration of power in a political machine is bad; and an Established Church is only a political machine; it was invented for that; it is nursed, cradled, preserved for that; it is an enemy to human liberty, and does no good which it could not better do in a split-up and scattered condition.”
– Mark Twain, A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court
…eminent danger…
I do not think that adjective means what you think it means.
The circulation of that letter likely rivals that of the NY Daily News. I’m sure whoever sent it sends it to all kinds of politicians, etc., and likely hands them out in the street. He probably holds up those signs at baseball games too. I see no threat there. Looks like a religious nut rant, not a cryptic murder letter. The White Supremacist clowns pose more of a threat, and even they tend to be all talk. It’s the ones who never say a word that usually end up being dangerous when they “snap” after listening to the Alex Jones show.
That’s when prominent and famous people get threatened…
Hey, it passed spell check… Looks like the author read your post and made the correction.
All this is a side effect of Murdoch, Alies and Co.
In the 1990s (and ever earlier) the study of Whiteness was a legitimate academic area, with professors and research in conventional humanities and social science areas. I was at a number of their conferences, and conferences in which this was an area of study. No big deal. Even Ebony Magazine, decades ago, treated the idea of Whiteness.
But, as Jon Stewart has said, FOX “news” is like a teenager…they’re new and they are still doing a great deal of damage. Essentially, FOX has succeeded in dividing a country.
Get this off the front page and give us some reporting on the Iran nuclear deal. All I see is something halfway down the screen about what Bill O’Reilly has to say about Iran.
Get it in gear!
This is another TPM non-story. College professor teaching a course which sounds on the surface like it promotes racial hatred gets a form letter from a “Christian” who hates everybody, and this coincidence somehow proves that it’s right to hate on whites because somehow this letter is from a white supremest? The implied takeaway is that you must be right if bad people hate you? Where did the word “murder” used in the headline come from? The article is a flimsy, poorly constructed argument searching desperately to fan some hate and outrage somewhere. In the end, just sad how far TPM has fallen.
Clue for the author: If you want to support your argument in a believable way, don’t do it with a link to your other article. That’s the kind of circular reference that right-wing propaganda uses. Show me that at least one other person agrees with you.
According to Fox News and their ilk, the media outlet that reported on this story should be ashamed of themselves for making this into a huge deal and resulting in this guy receiving threats and harassment.
Oh wait…
There you go.
There’s your problem with “whiteness”…
One hears such things and what can one say but “Jesus Christ.”
I found a copy posted a year ago on a message board covering Logan, WV.
Prime example of using the Bible as a WMD.
Sounds like a Fox News viewer
I worked in a couple of Congressional offices a while back, and saw quite a few letters just like this.
We just saved them in a “Crank File” for when we wanted a little entertainment.