Discussion for article #235980
As usual, TPM’s image captioning is less than informative. That’s a 2005 file photo of then newly-elected Sheriff Hill, after addressing his deputies.
Less than informative? It’s ridiculous.
Hello TPM. Did anyone there learn anything about journalism? You identify people in photos. It’s the way it’s done.
Omitting captions may be uber-cool, but it makes everyone there look like an idiot.
“When you’re an active sheriff in the state of Georgia, there are certain legal requirements and steps that have to be taken,” Doan, the Gwinnett County police spokesman, told reporters at the scene.
For one somebody has to strip a police officer of their double top secret immunity from being charged for doing anything. What the hell is wrong with shooting an unarmed real estate agent during a model home viewing? He's the Sheriff, right? Damn people, he can do as he pleases. You want to argue that? OK, the Sheriff has a barn he just built he'd like to show you. In private............
And there have been some photos used with stories that were flat-out wrong. A recent story about CT’s John Rowland comes to mind - the photo that accompanied the story was not Rowland at all but was, in fact, Brian Foley, a co-conspirator in the whole messy, greed-driven affair.
“…voters return him to office.”
We’re a diseased species.
Well, he’s within his rights not to speak. As a sheriff, I’m sure he’s well aware of that.
Besides, who hasn’t felt the same way about a real estate agent at one time or another?
Oh, the gallows humor… we’ll let this one slide, as it is funny.
Was someone showing off their gun when the pistol discharged?
Somehow, I don’t think this was an accidental shooting.
“Hill was released with no charges.”
Do you know of ANY other black man in Georgia who would have been “released without charges” if he wasn’t the head sheriff?
I wonder if the autopsy included testing the victim for DNA and semen. You’re a law officer, you have a woman alone, you make a pass at her or force sex. She says she’s going to level rape charges. You shoot her to stop ruination of your career and life. You claim it was an accident. You have something on the coroner, see to it a postmortem rape test isn’t performed. Not far fetched, is it?
One badass mofo this guy is. How do you shoot somebody and not explain?
She’s still alive as per this article.
I never knew Joe Arpaio had a son.
The really stupid thing is that TOM used to have captions, when their photos also weren’t laid out to take up the entire screen so you could read the first few lines without scrolling. But that was changed during one of the site revamps that we’re always told is definitely an improvement, and anyone who disagrees is a loud diet stuck in the past.
I swear there isn’t a single Web site or piece of software that has changed for the better since about 2005 when scripting became common.