Not sure why anyone would needs 36 firearms when you only can operate two at a time. There needs to be monitoring of weapons purchases and flags should go up any time someone is buying so many guns.
Plus the 18 in his hotel room equals 36. WTF?
Earlier today the NV cops said the perp’s house appeared normal on the inside. I guess it depends what your definition of normal is?
It’s not the TARDIS?
Good luck with that one.
They are raiding his home in Reno right now. Wonder what will turn up there.
Probably Claymore mines surrounding the house.
Alex Jones snuck all 36 guns to the shooter a few days prior to the event. Jones is the real mastermind behind the massacre. Jones, Hillary and Obama are in cahoots and planned this to make Rush and Hannity have an unplanned orgasme-on-air. It’s true … Trump and Jones told me and Trump is a really smart guy and never lies.
Firearms can and do jam, particularly ones with magazines. Also, it is quicker to grab a fully loaded firearm than to reload one. Just sayin’…
And his family and friends had no idea, nor did local police. Sure they didn’t.
Dear Sheriff Lombardo
I know this question is the epitome of "asking for it’, but was the shooter, a Pat Robertson fan?
I don’t really need the answer, but I’m asking for a sarcastic truck, a smartie squirrel and a thread winning Cubs fan.
Ty in advance
One of the more vile things Trump did during the campaign was parade around the survivors of murder victims of illegal Mexicans. I wonder how Trump will use the families of last night’s victims.
I also wonder whether he’ll attend any funerals or even a collective memorial service. We know he’s terrible at faking empathy. Just wait til he gets off the teleprompter.
Well at least George Carlin still lives on YouTube.
The state thought otherwise
They also found fertilizer (ammonium nitrate) in his car.
WTF? Did he get The Anarchist’s Cookbook for Xmas?
The present system, relying on gun nuts to police themselves, is working so well.
So there’s absolutely no reason to change, right?
Plus “it’s premature” to talk NOW about gun control, because there have been HARDLY ANY mass shooting events & we haven’t any time to think about the issue, right? Perhaps a better time to talk about the issue [from Pres. D.ump’s and the NRS’s] perspective will be…
…at the end of eternity, perhaps. And maybe not even then.
My guess is this guy is a gambling addict who just gambled away the last of his money and had decided to kill everyone he could plus himself if he didn’t win big.