Discussion: Police Charge Top Trump Aide With Battery For Run-In With Ex-Breitbart Journo

I’ve noticed that type myself —skinny, wiry, with intense eyes—and they’re troublemakers more than the average person is. Just a vague impression really but Lewandowski fits the pattern perfectly.

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He looks like a Blackwater arms merchant that funnels anti-personnel mines to Somali warlords.


It’s not just you.


It wasnt assault!!! He was just re-tweeting his feelings!


Another development that probably helps Trump in the primary, but will hopefully come back to bite him in his fat arrogant ass in the general.

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Trump Aide: She is a liberal plant from communist Breitbart News. Black Lives Matter is part of it for sure.



Sadly, although I think the guy’s a piece of trash, the assault as described wouldn’t rate higher than a 12-24 hour Anger Management Class. Still, that’s more class than he and Trump have between them.

And, of course, place a temporary ban on people entering the country who might be affiliated with whatever religion Lewandowski claims he’s a part of. And his last name is, I’m assuming, Polish. We need to build a wall around Poland.

The Trump Doctrine.


Trump Jr.: “She’s a Bernie supporter and a Nazi.” Two weeks later: “Uh, nevermind.”

This sounds like the premise for a “Meet Cute” Right-Wing Rom Com.

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Trump: She is a liar. Does anyone know any conservative who is not a liar? Anyone?
FOX: That is a valid defense. We do it all the time. That’s a job requirement.

When will all the Gawwd’ fearin’ Rightie Caucasian Republican Christianists’ speak out against violence by their followers! Oh woe!!!

and …bwwaahahhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

BTW: Has Le Trump blamed this on Obama or Megyn?


You know, seriously, I hate Trump for that stuff, real live hate. The Belgians arrested the wrong guy the other day; he was just released. No idea how they treated him but you get the picture. We’ve tortured innocent people ourselves. To death. There’s no joke to make about that.


Hah. Now you just watch…Dumbfuck Donald will say he can’t comment because he hasn’t seen the tape. Deflect, delay, deflect…Watch the fucking tape moron, and quit being so willfully ignorant of the facts.

Plus the cops obtained the video from Drumpf’s own security company over two weeks ago, which means Drumpf should have known this altercation occurred all along and did nothing but deny there was an issue…and then he had the nerve to praise the jerk in public to deflect the matter even more.

Meanwhile, the rest of the country has taken the two seconds it takes to view the tape…Of course, Drumpf will say he hasn’t had the time in his busy schedule to see it, after all he’s been busy looking over his poll numbers, which we all should be very impressed by.


Mr. Lewandowski will give a classy excuse: “Bitch set me up!!!”

Oh Lewan’…the bar for battery is very loooooooooooooooow’ in Florida. You are in the proverbial heap o’ trouble! Enjoy!


“tries to remember when an apology would have avoided all of this…”

oh well


President Trump cannot pardon him. He was charged in Florida. But Governor Scott, the man with the record for stealing the most tax money, can pardon him.


As Jim Newell at Slate said, Trump pointedly brought Lewandowski on stage with him after this incident. It was a “grotesque” celebration of what they could get away with, Newell said. So this is good news. And speaking of news, when in the hell does a campaign manager get charged with battery? It seems like a thing that might have happened once in 1836 or something.


[I don’t think even Trump thought he would get this far. And I don’t even know that he wanted to, which is perhaps the scariest prospect of all.

He certainly was never prepared or equipped to go all the way to the White House, but his ego has now taken over the driver’s seat, and nothing else matters. The Donald does not fail. The Donald does not have any weakness. The Donald is his own biggest enemy…

I’ll say it again: Trump never intended to be the candidate. But his pride is too out of control to stop him now.]

Excerpt from a great little read here from a Trump defector and one time top strategist on the misogyny, hate and bullying inside the campaign: