Discussion: Police, ATF Investigating Christmas Day Fire At Houston Mosque

Discussion for article #244125

Thanks Trump for making this climate of fear. And for revealing the dark and epic hatred of the other that is the underbelly of the GOP. These are your followers Donald. Your hatred of the other is the same fear tactic used by all demagogues. I so hope your candidacy along with your career crashes in flames.


No doubt Trump will now propose that all who belong to the ethnic/racial group that matches these terrorists must be banned from entering the country.


Now you guys know perfectly well Trump will angrily reject the idea his rhetoric could possibly be a factor. And he’ll manage to say something that sounds very much like he might sorta maybe approve of burning down mosques, under the circumstances of how the Muslims are killing us all. Then he’ll angrily reject the idea he said anything of the sort and will obfuscate in about five different directions. Then three or four days later, on the downslope of the furor, he’ll say of course he doesn’t support mosque-burning, how could anyone think such a thing, and there’s no evidence his talk had anything to do with any mosque-burning and anyone who thinks it does is against him because he’s so awesome.


This is pretty simple. The building involved and multiple origins make it pretty clear. The odds this isn’t arson, and a hate crime, are worse than winning the lottery while being struck by lightning and being attacked by a shark…all at the same time. Is Trump to blame? Well, he certainly isn’t helping the situation, is he?


Cue the disingenuous denials by the Promoters of Muslim Hate™ that their incessant rhetoric has anything to do with the violence, in three, two, one…


Arson : as required by Donny Trump .

Over on CNN at the moment Trump is taking credit for the uptick in deportations. Of course he’s ignoring the fact that those being deported had run out their visas in 2014 well before he had declared his candidacy and this has nothing to do with religion or ethnicity. Rightfully there is a squabble about it among democrats. But Trump thinks by barging in he can suck all the oxygen out of the discussion. This is another of his trademark asshat moves. A freaking civilian who hold NO office claiming credit for something the government does. Truly it’s amazing the level of ego this man displays. He so deserves to get seriously embarrassed in public and shown for the asshat bully he is.


The perpetrators are some of the same people for whom Greg Abbott is working so hard to make it easier to carry weapons. Does anyone in their right mind in Texas feel safer?


Not to mention that it makes neat propaganda for ISIS recruiters.

It’s what Republican Jesus would want: “And unto him that smiteth thee on the one cheek offer also the other____and before that sumbitch’ hits you, take him out with your holy 2nd Amendment Glock 43 and rain down vengeance on his ass.” (Luke 6:29 Republican Standard Bible) Amen

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Trump is not the cause, he is just a symptom.

We need only ask ourselves, “who would Jesus incinerate?”


“I’m Donald Trump and I approve of this message”

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…in Jesus’ name at Donnie’s behest…Amen.

I’m thinkin’ the last couple of batches of FauXians.

Since the Paris terrorist attack and the San Bernardino shooting, the U.S. has seen an uptick in excuses for hate crimes against Muslims,


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I’m suprised Gov. Abbott did not ask the fire department and law enforcement personnel about their “sincerely held beliefs” before going to the scene of the crime.

He is both.