Discussion for article #243915
I hope that the gun purchase will be explained in more detail.
Federal officials charged Mr. Marquez, 24 of Riverside, Calif., with providing material support — including himself, a firearm and explosives — for crimes of terrorism; making a false statement in connection with acquisition of firearms; and immigration fraud. In addition to buying the guns, the federal complaint said that Mr. Marquez bought some of the explosive material found at the shooting rampage.
Marquez obviously hadn’t heard that friends of the Boston bomber brothers who also had secondary roles were convicted and sentenced to prison, and his role in the San Bernardino killings is far more direct. Wouldn’t be surprised if gets a death sentence.
To bad we can’t prosecute the firearms sellers as well.
I don’t think Enrique Marquez would last 2 hours on his own in the wild unless there was a 7-11 or a Chipolte next door. If this gentleman did the things he is accused of we should send him back to Syria.
I hate to sound paranoid but this ISIS treat is starting to sound like a GOP inside-job psyops program. You know, to generate the fear that GOP pols wank off to.
No, the GOP are just being opportunistic fear mongers. I’m sure that some of them are secretly pulling for ISIS to attack America a few more times before the election though.
And the manufacturers. Don’t forget them.
It’s time to start taking gun crime seriously in America.
Marquez is about as dumb as a bag of rocks but he’s an American citizen and he’s no gentleman. From CNN
According to the complaint, Marquez called 911 on December 3. He told the operator that Farook was behind the San Bernardino attack.
“The f****** a****** used my gun in the shooting,” Marquez said. “They can trace all the guns back to me.”
Dumb ass. Why would Marquez buy assault rifles for another person in the first place? Hope they threw the book at him.
He is in even deeper kimchi, as both the shooters are dead they are going to throw the book on him. Somebody’s got to pay.
If I remember correctly one of the Boston bomber’s friend was extra-judicially executed in Florida and the cops keep changing the story of how that happened.
Didn’t believed it back then and now even less.
He’s in trouble; that’s for sure.
friendship goal
One of the main problems with the human race as a whole is that they seem to have no system of anger management. For too many it’s: anger --> thoughts of revenge --> violence. I don’t know if widespread use of marijuana would help, but it certainly couldn’t hurt.
That sounds like Sandy Hook and 9/11 Truther stuff.
There is a difference between exploiting situations vs actually creating them. No, the GOP is not staging these incidents, there are in fact ISIS nuts who do this stuff. And Sandy Hook was a crazy kid, and 9/11 was crazy adults, and the PP shooting was a crazy adult. There is no need to “stage” anything with all the nuts in this world.
Why? The guy was a martial arts fighter and had confessed to a murder (and a brutal one at that), and I bet the questioning was pretty intense and aggressive. Not hard to believe some martial arts fighter would try to mess with the people questioning him and try to escape, knowing full well he was probably going to jail for life. Why is that hard to believe?
No, it would not help. Pot is indeed used by mostly non-violent people, no doubt about that. But it does not change violent people into non-violent people, in fact it could make them more violent. Not as bad as alcohol obviously, but it could bring out their aggression even more high vs not high. I’ve seen zero evidence that it changes violent tendencies. If it did, medical marijuana would be prescribed for such people. There have been many instances of people high on weed doing violent stuff. Overall it’s is a minute percent of people who use weed, but they do exist.
He [Marquez] acknowledged that they were illegal “straw purchases,” because the guns were meant for Mr. Farook, but said that they thought he would attract less suspicion “because his appearance was Caucasian, while Farook looked Middle Eastern,” the affidavit said. The couple also had semiautomatic pistols, which officials have said Mr. Farook bought legally
Maddow spent a lot of time covering the FBI interrogation of a young man who was linked to the brothers and was killed during an interrogation in Florida with the FBI. She then examined how the FBI investigates itself time after time in shooting incidents, and time after time they exonerate themselves. That’s what they did in this episode. Sometimes Maddow goes off on obscure tangents, but when she wants to, she has the chops to be an investigative reporter.