Discussion: Police Arrest More Than 100 Protesting Police Violence In NYC

Discussion for article #235847

“”""“Gray when he fled at the sight of an officer in a drug-infested neighborhood this month. Officers pinned him to the sidewalk and then lifted him and took him, his legs dragging on the ground, to a police van.
Gray, who asked repeatedly for medical help during the half-hour ride to a police station, died a week later.”""""

Now what we hear is…“why did he run” ? The insinuation is if he had nothing to hide why run? Perhaps he ran because he knew what cops do to folks that have broken no laws ( its not against the law to run in the USA ) and was running for his life. They killed him…its a shame he did not run faster.

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I’m still waiting for Wayne LaPierre, Clive Bundy, the Swilla in Wasilla, or anyone of their ilk to say that Mr. Gray had the right to stand his ground and seek a Second Amendment remedy.