Discussion: #PointerGate Isn't Over: News Station Doubles Down On Accusations

Discussion for article #230175

Oh noes! A skerry black man with a gun who might or might not be the guy in the pitcher with the mayor! Almost as scary as this one:

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Please proceed, KSTP.


Shorter KSTP: Fear sells.

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Say for argument’s sake that everything they’re implying is true, and that this guy is some hardcore gangbanging criminal and they were both flashing gang signs…how does that imperil safety exactly? And is it now the job of police to denounce anyone seen throwing a gang sign?

At some point, all of the people who are more impressed with symbolism than reality need to step aside and let the grownups get things done. And yes, Republicans. I’m looking at you.

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If he were a white guy, he would be called a patriot fighting the guvmint’s tyranny. some people don’t know when to stop digging. They are already six feet plus deep.

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Billionaires like Hubbard HATE IT when the “serfs” do anything to disagree with them and point out what FOOLS they are.
With his control of a millions of disposable income and a vast media empire (Dish Network for example) he will stop at nothing to smear anyone who challenges his God-hood and he doesn’t care who gets hurt in the process (How DARE THEY challenge HIM!)
This will get much uglier as it progresses. Especially with the “Brown Shirt” faction of the Minneapolis Police Dept. on his side.
They are mightily pissed that not only is their Police Chief a Lesbian, they now have a Progressive FEMALE Mayor!!! (once again, How DARE THEY!).
Our attitude here in the Twin Cities is: Fuck 'em. You go girl.
KSTP isn’t known locally as “The Yellow Journalism Channel” for nothing you know.

Is there a link (aka proof) of this?

"[KSTP] admits, and reported, that the poses struck by Hodges and Gordon appear to be playful** – simple pointing --** and it’s hard to understand why such a seemingly innocuous photo could be potentially dangerous,

Because that’s a turnaround from their previous reporting.

Did they state the ‘simple pointing’ in a newscast and print report like their original story? Can TPM PROVIDE any backup INFO to that claim which is now reported by TPM? Has the KTSP news org followed up that apparently clarifying statement with more like it? If so, where?

Because the big issue was they had ONLY said the Mayor was flashing “a known gang sign” in their original reporting - which totally implies the Mayor was knowingly flashing a gang sign. There’s NO SUCH leeway about anything ‘innocuous’ - which is now being claimed - at this report from TPMs original article: http://kstp.com/news/stories/S3612199.shtml?cat=1

It’s pretty sane, imo, to take that THE NEWS STATION and THE POLICE REP sturdily ACCUSED the MAYOR of doing something PURPOSEFULLY NEFARIOUS. Have they changed their stance since the original report? Have they put out an official statement or story with the same gravitas of the original reporting to clarify their claims?
This is something worthy of simple exploring/posting regarding journalistic claims and real info, yes?

ALSO and IMPORTANTLY: The guy in the pic was, in his past, charged with “illegal possession of a gun” – So now WHERE ARE THE 2nd AMMENDMENT’RS coming to this guy’s defence with their varied stances of there SHOULD BE NO SUCH THING as illegal possession of a gun in America? Why are journalists (coughTPMcough) not yet exploring that corner of the issue?

I’m going to slilghtly go off on a tangent here - But I mean, c’mon CALLING OUT THE BULLSHIT of these people is not only the RIGHT THING to do, and the TRUTH (aka journalism), but it’s also FUN… and might give the far too common milquetoast liberal people that boost-of-idealism which could just lead more of them/us to the polls on Election Days… or, even better, bring them around to GIVE YOUR NEWS WEBSITE BIGGER NUMBERS.

Note: I doubt cap-lock accentuation works in all situations but boy it is just slightly a bit nonsensically satisfying to type frustrated thoughts that way

They’ll have to downplay when a politician points at someone in the audience .

As a matter of fact, cops do this all the time in So Calif in criminal trials.
A “gang expert” from the police or sheriff’s dept will testify – “testi-lie” ? – that a defendant’s – you name it – nickname, clothing, tatoo – is evidence of gang membership or participation. I’ve heard of some ludicrous testimony.

Um —really? I guess I need to get a" thug life" tattoo across my torso. Yesterday, my girlfriend asked where the car keys were, and I …threw down the gang sign-cuz that is how I roll-keepin it real…and hoping she goes to get cat food instead of me,because I am tired,and when the cat gives me those shmoopie eyes(shmoopie is jus keepin it real, uh huh),well…I …just…melt.THUG LIFE NOW! THUG LIFE FOREVER!-