Discussion: Plaza Hotel Security Throws Protesters Out Of Trump Rally (VIDEO)

Discussion for article #243697

I do remember things like this when people interrupted Bush’s events. If you didn’t agree with his policies, you’d get thrown out.


Ok…back up for a moment. The PA Republican Party is calling in Trump to do a fund raiser for them??

And politico had the audacity to print this line in their story:

“Inside the room, where few members of the Pennsylvania’s Republican donor class count themselves Trump supporters,…”

I mean…WTF?? “Oh no, we don’t support him, so we invite him to speak at a fundraiser to more people that don’t support him will be willing to buy tickets to hear him speak?”


Next up. People Throwing their shoes at him (a HUGE sign of disrespect to a Muslim.)
Of course he has Secret Service protection now so it’s doubtful anyone will ever get close enough.


Why don’t these people who are being physically manhandled, thrown against a wall, thrown to the floor, etc. call a cop and submit a complaint of assault? It will likely never go anywhere, but it will create another aggravation for Trump and the GOP.


Did the protesters have a point to make?

Uglier and uglier. This is the 0.01% Oligarchy in action: they take the decisions they want, and their goons / private army beats and ejects anybody who disagrees.

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About the usual dinner they serve, chicken?

That’s a lady being manhandled ?Wow !

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Bravo. Glad people are protesting. That’s what the first amendment is all about. These GOP assholes think they can stomp all over our rights and never have to hear about it.

Maybe they can bring a can of neon paint or a bag of glitter. Make a big fucking mess so it can’t be cleaned up right away.

Trump has golf courses arond the world. Maybe if people start picketing those and make a lot of noise, it will hurt his business. People need to start boycotting and targeting this guy where it hurts.

Fuck Trump.


Private security can ask someone to leave their property but I don’t think they are allowed to assault them in the process. Or maybe they can.What do I know. Bars get sued for their bouncers behavior all the time, don’t they.

So are these Trump’s security guards or the hotel’s?


Why aren’t the protesters using their concealed carry Rights to defend themselves?


Well, it IS Trump’s people! So she probably deserved it. Just ask The Donald.

BTW, does anyone know if he still owns The Plaza? I’m thinking of the the second Home Alone movie that I was watching last night. :confused:

She’s probably a Mexican Muslim of Syrian decent who’s in the country illegally, because everyone else just loves Trump.

The security guards should have just asked her nicely to leave, and then called the cops to have them arrest her, because the cops are very good at removing people; why they never hurt or shoot anyone, and nobody has ever died mysteriously in their cell.

Can’t we all just get along?


Do they have to be thrown or could a drone drop them on him?

I think people should throw combs.


The protesters threw money at him (paid for dinner)? How did that help, part of their PR/marketing budget?

They must have catered to his schedule. Don’t believe that brokered convention news drop. It’s obviously a sleight of hand.