As I said earlier, a hateful moron incited to action by a dotard’s rhetoric…
I think he knew the jig was up because he kept spinning Folsom Prison Blues and Renegade all night long.
Yep, I’m sure he didn’t discuss politics at the bar. More willing to bet that for many people his politics didn’t seem out of line.
You know I wish that Omarosa was still in the WH recording conversations. I find that this is an interesting (?..I don’t know what noun I’m looking for), we have Trump on one hand spewing this and that, playing his silly self aggrandizing shit, and the rest of the WH staff is doing and saying what?
This fits my mood today:
We gotta get out of this place
If it’s the last thing we ever do
We gotta get out of this place
'cause girl, there’s a better life for me and you
These people didn’t see his van in the parking lot? Hard to miss. Photos with targets on them? Maybe he didn’t talk politics to the one woman, but the van he was apparently living in sure did.
There’s a trove of 1960s/early 70s music that can be used as valid descriptors of this administration, its enablers and supporters. How long before we have a replay of:
Tin soldiers and Nixon coming
We’re finally on our own
This summer I hear the drumming
Four dead in Ohio
So this guy, living in THAT van, bugging everybody with his political obsessions, probably suffused with roid rage, past criminal record and spotty employment …
Didn’t raise any flags anywhere?
Maybe not in Florida.
I know if I was planning to bust this guy I would have definitely planned to do it at his work. Just sayin.
The one I think of is this one (by Missouri Congressman William Hungate):
Come, come, come and play spy with me, down at the old Watergate
Come, come, come while they lie to me, down at the old Watergate
See the little German band, Erlichmann and Haldemann
Don’t Martha Mitchel look great!
Come, come, come and play spy with me
I’ll have a whole FBI with me,
Down at the old Watergate!
And every Top Ten Hit by the Bobby Fuller Four he could find.
I suspect that, with only three records in rotation, his set pretty much bombed.
(Sorry. Couldn’t resist.)
And he was probably unaware that investigators scouring his social media accounts had found the same spelling mistakes on his online posts — “Hilary” Clinton, Debbie Wasserman “Shultz” — as on the mailings he’d soon be charged with sending.
Let that be a lesson for you, @theghostofeustacetilley.
This one helped me, on many occasions, to make it through the George W. Bush years, and it continues to help me:
I’m starting to seriously reconsider a lucrative career as a strip club DJ.
I just heard Tom Friedman say that the right is merely expressing moral outrage as “both sides” are doing. So there, speaking of morons. He did say to vote for Dems.