Discussion: Piers Morgan To Larry King: Quit Your 'Bitching'

Discussion for article #222556

Bored, huh Piers?

Sounds more like your thin skin was punctured. And personal attacks against 80-year-old men are your choice of band-aid.

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Larry deserves it, he can’t keep his mouth shut on the issue. I don’t care if he is 80 or 100 years old.

What fun! A cat fight between two petulant 11-year-old girls!

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I actually didn’t mind his show at all

Please, tell me Morgan isn’t bloody coming back home?!!

Piers Morgan…WHO???

Doesn’t Larry tweet with a Ouija board?

Sounds like King hit a little too close to the mark… as far as I can tell, everything good ol’ Larry said was on the money - money in this case being a thing nobody wants to give Piers Morgan.

Larry King was a joke.

Two prima donnas having a cat fight. Isn’t there something better and more meaningful for the “media” to squawk about?

Morgan was charming in the beginning – well-informed and likable. Then he became a bully…