Oh, is that collusion I smell, or is it CONSPIRACY?
that picture of her and Scott Walker should get plenty of air time this fall…
It truly is beginning to look like COLLUSION took place between Trump’s campaign and the Russians.
”Indeed, photos found on Butina’s Facebook page and elsewhere show that she mixed and mingled with NRA leaders and American politicians.”
Let’s see Vlad’s photos of what she “mixed and mingled” with Trump at that Ritz-Carlton honeypot in Moscow.
The National Russian Association may not have used Russian money for political pay offs,but it freed up operational money to buy off politicians.
Lock her up! (Someone has to say it.)
Those pictures are worth words by the thousands.
Look at all the lovely collusion.
What was that you were saying in Helsinki, Asshole? No collusion? ha ha ha.
Huh, no Democrats, weird
Hmm…I wonder which NRA bees were busy with that auburn honeypot. I’m sure Mueller knows.
Back about 150 years ago, I was a USIA exhibit guide in the Soviet Union. I wish I had a nickel for every “why do you let people own guns and commit crimes” query I got. Now we have a PRO GUN Russian spy arrested for infiltrating the NRA?! I think I’ve hit the bottom of my personal rabbit hole. Cue the Twilight Zone music.
I’ll bet these dimwits would give anything to have been outed and humiliated by Sasha Cohen instead of Mueller. Sorry, much too late boys.
Little Scottie Walker is in a world of trouble. This is just the tip of the iceberg.
I think that one is my favorite!
I can’t say I know why the NRA did this - by which I mean indirectly launder Russian money into the Trump campaign. They already had overwhelming influence, regrettably, over Republicans, which made impossible the ability to pass any reasonable gun laws. Even if Hillary had won, with their iron grip over Republicans, most likely not much would have changed. Seems to be a huge, possibly fatal, unforced error.
She looks like Ginny Weasly joins the NRA, dumps Harry Potter and becomes a Death Eater.
It’s a fine distillation: Scotty Walker Red
Consider the possibility that this wasn’t a recent development. If they’ve been doing this for a while, it would explain why they have enjoyed such influence…
Oh, that’s easy, They did it because the Russians set the hook before the NRA knew what was going on, and once the Russians had sufficient dirt on the NRA, collusion looked like the safer path.
As a wise man once said, “Frequently, people who go along a treasonous path do not know they are on a treasonous path until it is too late.”