Discussion: PHOTOS: Manafort's Fancy Clothes, Including The Ostrich Jacket

Well, this does explain his “head in the sand” defense …


Wow. I have to say I find this stuff amazingly … ugly. Imagine having all that money and spending it on this stuff. Of course money doesn’t bestow taste, but he couldn’t take advice on fashion? Is it me? I think these are mostly ugly and SHINY.


Perhaps this is where Michael Cohen got some of his hand me downs?


Can you imagine what he looked like in that ostrich hide jacket?
If you saw all the clothes on the rack at the thrift store would you be surprised?
The pinstriped suit is the exception - oh, and spelling your name bijan and making us pronounce it as bee-shayan is ridiculous.
and you may all address me as Raskhaal Kroahne - pronounced ‘betty’


Very curious: where were these photos taken? If taken in Manafort’s place (looks like someone’s home from the lamp) I want to know who the FBI agent qualified to assess tacky-but-expensive Long Island menswear is.


Agreed. If these clothes make a statement it’s a bad one.


Fashion plate Paulie “Threads” Manafort admits his shopping was out of control. “Fifteen grand for an ostrich jacket? Could you say ‘no’ to a deal like that? Throw in a few antique rugs, and I’d get Vladimir Putin elected president! Okay, maybe bad choice of words.”

According to witnesses, Manafort was last seen wearing a hand-tailored shag carpet in mauve and baby blue, with orange jester shoes and a beanie swathed in plastic wrap.


I agree. They look almost like they’re from the 1980’s. And who knew ostrich coats didn’t even bother to use the feathers. I had no idea. Surprised he didn’t have alligator boots to go with it.


I came to the story to comment exactly the same :joy:




It’s almost a parody** of bad taste. Even the pin stripe borders on … well. Guess it’s a Jersey/Sopranos style thing I don’t get as I tend more towards Armani if pushed to make a style choice (although my income pushes me mostly to Target). Definitely JM’s tweet nails it.

**By which I mean, could someone in FBI/prosecution be trolling Manafort with selection? Don’t know if these were most expensive, but wonder if someone also chose the ugliest of the most expensive. Seems like some of Manafort’s suits in news pics were normal boring men’s suits.


Evidently all his taste is in his mouth.


Dear Paulie,
Money can’t buy you: love, good taste, class, even a remote semblance of fashion sense, an ability to avoid stupid criminality, moderation, an ability to recognize people stupider than you are (e.g. Trump, Putin), commonsense, good taste, intelligence, a sense of what matters, the ability to love or be loved, or anything else that makes life worth living. Too bad an innocent ostrich had to die for that preposterous and amazingly ugly jacket. It is unclear to me whether anything living actually died to create all that other ugly crap. Damn, you can do better at, well, anywhere, including WalMart… But Paulie, you will have good long time to contemplate your idiotic and criminal life in your cell at ADX Florence. I will certainly enjoy hearing about it, so I thank you in advance for that entertainment to come. Whenever I think of you, I will remember the poor ostrich, made to give its life for ugly. Sorry (not really) you are such a stupid criminal.


I was wrong; Judge was right to exclude pictures of these items. Extremely prejudicial. Jury might have convicted him for bad taste alone.


I was going to say the 90s. And since we’re going with shiny and ugly I wonder if Manafort’s secret desire was to manage a boy band?
And with that we may have to expand our karaoke song list to something like this:

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Everybody’s crying “tacky.” But so goes fashion. These would all look great on belly-veined 25 year old Versace models.

Let’s not dwell on the clothes. Or even the price tags. There’s much, much worse going on.


I believe some of the strange patterns I see are ‘Moire’-patterns (=artifacts, caused by a mix of details, camera resolultion and screen resolutions).

What’s the point of an Ostrich jacket, if you take off the feathers ?


I thought the brown slithery snakeskin jacket was appropriate. ha ha ha


Seeing the clothing in these photos…“Tacky” was the first word that came to my mind.