No mug, no mug, you are a mug!
Ah, wearing the greens. Kinda skratchy huh?
He doesn’t look like such a big-shot all of a sudden. He looks like one of the crooks on one of those old Quinn-Martin shows.
Manafort’s request that Annie Leibovitz take his jail photos was obviously denied.
Lookin’ good, Paulie!
Now you look like what you are - a criminal.
Love it.
We watched it religiously.
Lois Nettleton
More Manafort stuff
Yah, all of the above. But he still looks better than Trump on a good day.
Who was it who said he wanted to see the grey hair grow out?
And not a flattering color, darn it. Highlights the lack of a shave. Or maybe the razors are dull as well.
He does not appear to be the happy camper we have come to know and love.
No hair dye, No hair Dye!. You’re the hair dye
Manafort is proof how inured U.S. society has become to our current condition. He was the campaign manager of the sitting President. In what other era of history would the fact the current President’s campaign manager was in jail and awaiting charges on a slew of felonies amount to “Oh yeah, wonder how that’s gonna turn out?” Trumpco is such a firehose of criminality the deluge keeps you from even thinking about how the hell you turn it off. You’re just blasted and soaked, blasted and soaked, blasted and soaked every day.
Hmm. Paulie looks a bit jaundiced to me. Or maybe it’s just the prison lighting.
Hopefully TPM now uses this as the stock photo in all its Manafort stories.
First thought. He looks stoned.
Did they take away his silk underwear and give him ones made from burlap?
Bad Toupee or Hair Plugs Alert!