Discussion: Phoenix Sends Cease-And-Desist Letter To Trump Over Ad Using City’s Cops

I don’t think you should refer to having the law starting to take a heightened interest in your past activities as “being the Law-and-Order candidate.”


Thanks Trump Political Memo. 10+ Trump stories on the front page. 1 Clinton story.


Aw come on , that’s where the fun is. We love us some jaw dropping stupidity
Turn on Faux news . I was watching at the gym and the lead story was… wait for it …
Comey , the FBI and Hillary’s emails. They ain’t covering Donald except for softball shit

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Yes! Even TPM has become part of the Trump megaphone. (Granted, the megaphone hurts him, but still…)


“It’s a movement.”

Yes. And we know what kind of a movement. Not one you talk about in polite company.


“Together”. What a wonderful campaign slogan. But it needs a little something else, something I can’t quite put my finger on…


The only cease and desist order I care about is the one I hope the voters send Trump on November 8th.


Among consenting Alter Kockers it is acceptable to discuss such movements and their regularity or lack thereof.

If only it were…“Stronger”…perhaps? :wink:


Again and again: Trump decides rules don’t apply to him. They are like facts, very flexible in his mighty grip.

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I understand the legal angle the city is taking on this, but there’s no doubt in my mind that the vast majority of Phoenix cops do in fact support Trump, and would be perfectly eager to appear in ads for him if it was legal.

pretty sure i’m having a schadenfreudegasm

C’mon, Phoenix, rules don’t apply when the Drumpfster Fire is involved.

Ummm, didn’t you guys think it was the coolest thing all during the year…when you were calling it “free advertising” ???

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Let me see if I have this correctly. The law and order candidate breaks copyright law to say he is the law and order candidate.
Sounds about right if Irwin Mainway was saying it…oh, he is


You’re right.

The “law and order” candidate is stealing an endorsement from…law and order officials.


What a dunce! He can’t even come up with an original slogan. “Make America Great Again” was recycled from the Reagan campaign. “Law and Order president” was recycled from the Nixon campaign. Now he’s stealing from Clinton? What an asshole.


But it involves a brown mass.

And lets’s not forget: the Hatch Act.

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