Obama has no business meeting with someone like this who uses extrajudicial killings for law enforcement.
Duterte 's program will expand to political opponents and score-settling. The Philippines is heading into a very dark period.
President Obama gave him the diplomatic finger for his scurrilous speech. The one who intended to disrespect a visitor has lost face with his own people.
Meanwhile death squads are silencing political opponents under cover of a so called war on drugs. Fascists love extreme vetting.
Of course he regrets it. He’s an idiot for thinking he could give a demagogic speech without consequences. The US will eventually meet with him because it is mutually beneficial from a geopolitical standpoint but now he’s lost significant ground and will have to concede more than he might have in those negotiations.
I’m sure his heartfelt “regret” has nothing to do with the $200M± in aid the Philippines receives from the US annually.
Well, Duterte is the son of a pox-ridden whore who also kneels in back alleys for $2.50 a pop.
Oh, I regret those remarks.