Donald Trump’s role model. Duterte is a very very scary mofo.
I was talking with Ukrainian colleague today (naturalized US citizen).
Speaking of the Philippines, I said that Americans place too much stock in elections, to which he replied “you Americans need to get out more.”.
Ukraine actually did vote for that crook Yanukovych.
Drumpf is Durterte’s doppelganger…Just as ugly and perverted…
I think the headline implies Duterte would kill “suspects”, denying due process when, in fact, he is quite clear that known drug addicts/dealers are the targets.
At least Hitler gave the “jews” jobs before he killed them /s. Also, one of the horrid manipulations of historical fact is the emphasis on Hitler and the Jews, when, in fact, other than the oft quoted “six million Jews” there were at least fourteen million additional people killed in the same way in HItler’s Germany. It disturbs me that simply saying “six million Jews” ignores the greater horror of killing over fourteen million additional people (non-Aryans).
Listen to what Duterte says. Believe him. He was elected by a fearful people. He has already unleashed a bloodbath. Who will stop him? How many more will die?
Duterte will cause incalculable damage before he’s gone, driving certain problems (drug addiction, relations on Mindanao, climate change) underground where they can’t be addressed while also inventing new problems to justify his ways. If he doesn’t end up at The Hague, it will set a dangerous precedent.
What he is talking about is vigilante motorcycle gangs machine-gunning people in the streets and then leaving cardboard signs claiming they are drug dealers/addicts, saying they are only killing “suspects” is, if anything, overly generous.
Fascist prick.
Duterte has stated, repeatedly, before and since his election that killing suspects is his “plan.” There is nothing to “imply” about it: his own words specify that anyone suspected of using or selling drugs is under vigilante death sentence. Anyone can kill anyone else in the Philippines right now, so long as they claim the person they kill is suspected of using or dealing in drugs. That includes all of the Philippines law enforcement and military (meaning, they can also kill anyone they want and claim “suspect” status after the fact).
You would know that if you had been paying attention.
Anyone besides me think this smells like one of those anti-gay pogroms conducted in Africa that are instigated and abetted by U.S. conservatives, people whose names you may recognize?