Discussion: Philae Lander's Measurements Of Comet Weaken Space Magnetism Theory

Discussion for article #235274

Gravity. Duh.
I have NEVER heard of anyone claiming that Magnetism is involved in mutual gravitation of masses in space.
I have always heard is is a combination of solar wind pressure and gravitation that causes particles in space to clump together.
But then again: “I am not a scientist” so it must have been a stone-age Sky God who did it.

My theory is that it’s held together with Post-Its, but those rocket scientist geniuses didn’t even think to test for that.

Apparently, when all the solids are down at the dusty particulate level, gravity isn’t enough to form those first tiny clumps that are bigger than the other bits that eventually get the gravity ball rolling within the time between the formation and ignition of the sun and the end of the period when the planets were formed. Which leads to either magnetism or electrostatic charge as possible candidates.

Based on the ongoing experiment in dustbunny formation that is my kitchen baseboards, I’ve always assumed it was electrostatic charge.


Good point.