Discussion: Peter Thiel Tells GOP He's Gay And That Trans Bathroom Debate Is 'Distraction'

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What is a “fake culture war” will be determined by Internet billionaires who live on little James Bond floating cities. If it doesn’t affect him or people he knows, your struggle is distracting him. Kindly stop struggling.


I’m listening to Ivanka talk about the people her father has helped–how he would tear articles out of newspapers and tell his staff to find these people so that he could help them. And then he did. And those people were so thankful. If that were true, where are those people? Why aren’t they giving their testimonials and thanks to the Donald?

More BS!


A distraction? More like #1 issue and rally call of Texas Lieutenant Governor and other Republicans 'round the country. Not to mention the fundraising…


He’s a token.


Yeah, kinda weird how they haven’t paraded these Americans helped by Trump. Sad!


Struggling? What? We were struggling in 2008 after 8 fuking years of Bush and the GOP. Obama took over, and in spite of republican bullshit government shutdowns and panty wetting we’re totally rocking. These guys are supposed to be genius businessmen? Do they follow stocks? Unemployment? THE GOP IS FULL OF SHIT FROM TOP TO BOTTOM. THEY WILL KILL AMERICA. THE MOST IMPORTANT THING REAL AMERICANS CAN DO FOR THEIR FUTURE IS DESTROY TRUMP AND THE LYING REPUBLICANS WHO SUPPORT HIM.


Also, I have a lot of self hate because I’m part of a party that hates me and those I love.


He’s a billionaire…and he spends his time attacking Gawker, supporting Trump, and attending the RNC convention?

I know homeless people with more of a life than this guy.


“Now we are told that the great debate is about who gets to use which bathroom. This is a distraction from our real problems. Who cares?”



and it all started at Stanford

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Used to respect the man, applied for some angle investing with one of his funds. Got pretty far, but they later qualified us out. Was very disappointed at the time. Now I feel like we dodged a bullet that day.

Um, sorry, Pete, but you can’t call it a “fake culture war” when it’s a major plank in your f#cking party platform.


A hatred he directs outward at everyone else (most especially, women and everyone with an annual income of less than $1,000,000).

…and doesn’t realize it.

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We only can’t see them, because we’re watching in reality, not “Trumpality”. In “Trumpality”, they were totally there, every night. They were introduced by Tim Tebow, John Miller, a reanimated George Washington, and Mr. Mxyzptlk (they’re old buds). And also in “Trumpality”, he already won decades ago, he fixed every single problem on day negative-one, he just advanced to become the President of the galaxy, and is already a better galactic President than Zaphod Beeblebrox. :wink:

Modesty, you know. Mr. Trump is a very modest man, and it would be emberassing if people knew about his generosity…

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One person’s distraction is another person’s basic human and legal right. One would think that Thiel would know that.


He and Ivanka don’t know who the fuck they are talking to do they?