Now I’m confused. I thought the problem was refinery capacity to make gasoline. Not the supply of crude. Is it possible that this is just an idiot flailing about trying to make himself look useful?
And what the fuck, Trump? You’re supposed to buy when it’s cheap, and sell when it’s dear! this is the opposite!
The immediate issue is the refineries, but shipping and pipelines are also impacted. But, yeah, pretty much a Trumpist move.
The day after the Hurricane made landfall, gas prices down here jumped $0.15/gallon overnight. Probably gone up another nickel since then.
I’m just amazed Perry even realized there was an Emergency Oil Reserve…
I’m still confused. If crude is piling up because the gasoline market has a bottle-neck, how does adding more crude help make more gasoline?
Also, what is the excess refinery capacity? Is there enough extra capacity at the other refineries?
Rick Perry is asking if you would please not make it so complicated. He just wanted his name in the news to show he’s done something since he started his position.
So, are they going to disconnect the refineries from the pipeline from the storage tanks in Cushing, Oklahoma, causing working wells to stop pumping because their access to the refineries has been interrupted, or what? Won’t that put people out of work longer than they will be now?
Rick… Rick…Donnie…Hello o o o o