Discussion: Perdue: Trump Is ‘Resolute,’ Willing To Act Alone If Cmte. Fails To Reach Deal

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Like anyone gives a SHIT what David Perdue thinks… he is a tRump toadie


Perdue made his fortune downsizing businesses. Mr. Pink Slip. Trump made his fortune not paying people. Match made in excrement.


“911, what is your emergency?”
“I don’t have one now, but maybe I will have one in a few weeks. Do you take appointments?”


Resolute or Obsessed?


If Donald had just kept ignoring the wall none of his followers would have jumped ship. Now he made it into an issue that’s going to fuck him over if he doesn’t get it and I don’t think he will. Ds are never going to back down, and Rs will eventually come over to keep Donald from really ruining things for them with another shutdown.


Perhaps simply stubborn.

Then again, maybe obstinate, mulish, headstrong, willful, pig-headed, obdurate, awkward, difficult, contrary, perverse, recalcitrant, refractory, etc.


Yes, “resolute” is just a very positive spin on “immature, petulant and determined to get his way no matter what.”


With apologies to The Bard:

[tRump’s] but a walking shadow, a poor player,
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage,
And then is heard no more. [His] is a tale
[Lived] by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.

Things didn’t work out well for the Scottish King.
They won’t work out well for tRump either.


70,000 combined drug deaths a year are not a national emergency, but the necessity of a wall is. Got it.

<img src="/uploads/default/original/4X/5/0/8/508ff49c5dace2ab9e130fb1c70e5c2c546ec28c.png" width="426" height="320">

President Trump declared a public health emergency to deal with the opioid epidemic Thursday, freeing up some resources for treatment. More than 140 Americans die every day from an opioid overdose, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The move stops short of declaring the crisis a national emergency, which Trump first said in August that he would declare. He repeated that pledge this week. But the White House said it determined that declaring a public health emergency was more appropriate than a national emergency.

**Dr. Andrew Kolodny, co-director of the Opioid Policy Research Collaboration at Brandeis University's Heller School, calls the announcement "very disappointing." Without funding for new addiction treatment, he says, declaring a public health emergency isn't enough. "This is not a plan," he says. "The administration still has no plan" for dealing with opioids, he says.**


***So, to summarize: Brown people are scary.***


Well, then, if he is so resolute, someone give Trump a shovel and put him on AF1 airborne to the border, if he’s that resolute, let him start digging dirt.
Might be interesting to see who he feeds his billion dollar wall deal to, there is already evidence he’s using the child hostages he took at the border to enrich some of his bubbas. No doubt, any money he spends from his wall funding will go to someone who pays it back to Trump somehow, just more dirt for Congress to dig through.
Give him his 5 billion, then watch every penny as it flows out, and bust him when he spends it on his buddies. Think about it, it will take at least a year to get the wheels turning on his wall construction, he may even resign by then, use the money flow to expose his proliferate payola practices. I guarantee everyone here, even if he does finish his first term, which I doubt seriously, Trump won’t have time to build much of his wall, but he’ll have time to pay off someone for pretending at it. Put stipulations on the spending, and Trump will show his true colors, he’ll demand un-restricted control so he can enrich his rich friends even more, denying him that demand and requiring strict oversight of those funds, and requiring competitive bids, etc., will screw Trump’s pooch worse much more than denying him the money.


Oh, please! Trump can’t even spell “resolute”.


Mr. Perdue, Mussolini was resolute too, so are you drawing a direct comparison??


And rich pharma guys are part of the club, you’re not going to go against club members.


that is his worst fear…

His staff can’t use the word “bilingual” around him, he gets a woody…


Let him “act alone.” Please have him do it in private and by himself.

Actually, I believe that Sarah Sanders is LESS repulsive than Perdue.

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Donald and Melania hanging upside down from the balcony? I’ve seen better wind chimes in my day.

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